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Arriving Jimin immediately knows his mate is up to something. The smell of his favourite food lingering in the house as slow romantic music is playing, it certainly is no coincidence that the music is from his favourite artists. The lights are dimmed and he can hear his mate softly humming along to the tune.

Taking off his shoes and setting down his bag he puts away the keys he got from Hoseok himself— the omega claiming that if he's in heat he wants Jimin to be able to run in and take him on every possible surface as fast as possible.

He didn't complain, Hoseok was flexible and had great stamina. They really go at it like rabbits whenever the elder is in heat. Mainly because Jimin's rut hits as well, so they find themselves exhausting their bodies and mind.

But he loves it. He loves Hoseok. The way the elder is open minded and always there for anyone. He knows the situation with Jungkook has put pressure on his omega. The elder himself has struggled with accepting being an omega and he told's stories that weren't fun. Horrible alpha's and mean punishments have made the younger the way he is. Always happy to help because he hates being in pain or seeing other's in pain.

The door shuts behind him and immediately a head pops around the corner, a bright smile on his face and a mischievous twinkle in those beautiful brown eyes.

"Hey baby." Jimin says, a wide smile on his face as he opens his arms to the omega.

The elder doesn't waste any seconds and immediately hugs him, tight and close. He can smell that the elder isn't wearing any blocker, so he can imagine what his mate is aiming for.

He had found it weird when Hoseok hadn't invited him right after class but waited for the alpha to get home and then invite him. It was no doubt to prepare whatever he has prepared.

"I missed you."

He chuckles, pulling back from the hug as he inhales the sweet cinnamon scent he loves more than anything. "Did you now?" He teases, eyes squinted as he pushes his fingers into the taller's hair, his free hand grabbing the elder's chin. Softly pecking those addictive lips.

"Tell me you missed me too." The words are adorable, especially with those puppy dog eyes and that childish pouts the elder has mastered. This is the Hoseok no one but him gets to see. Clingy, eager to be loved and vulnerable. When it's just them the omega doesn't have to take care of everything for once. Instead he relaxes and allows Jimin to shower him in love and affection.

"I missed you too baby, you know that."

An heart meltingly cute huff, accompanied with the omega crossing his arms has the alpha's falling even more in love.

"I also know you love me, doesn't mean you can stop telling me you do."

"In that case..." he presses a soft kiss on the elder's lips. "I love you."

A happy smile replaces the pout and Hoseok grabs his hand, pulling him along to their dining table which is decorated with candles and flowers. The omega must want something really bad if he's trying this hard. He decides not to comment on it, he'll watch the omega play out his little show. After all he is curious to what the elder wants.

"Take a seat, you're the one being taken care of tonight." Hoseok says, pushing the alpha down in a chair as he quickly goes to grab a bottle of wine.

"Wine, sir?"

Jimin leans back, staring at the omega with hooded eyes. Taking in the outfit the boy is wearing, he hadn't taken the time before since just the elder's face can keep him mesmerised forever.

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