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"So... you'll be getting heats?"

"Yes." Jungkook says coldly. Curled up in a blanket on Namjoon's couch as he's finally stopped crying. The tall omega is getting them drinks while he and Hoseok talk heats.

"Do you know anything about it?"

"No, they don't teach that in school. All they tell you is to wear a condom." He mutters bitterly.

"Sex is quite the taboo topic in schools." Hoseok sighs. "Anyway, heats unlike ruts occur at least four times a year but just like ruts can be triggered more often."

Jungkook's eyes widen. "But ruts only happen when triggered by an omega that's unfair!"

"Life's unfair." Hoseok mutters bitterly. "Just be happy you skipped at least a few years."

"Fuck you." The younger mutters.

"Heats are hard to trigger and it almost never happens. Though every omega in the first two years has a higher chance of additional heats as their body finds the right cycle. I'm not sure how that'll work with you but after that heats happen four times a year for sure. Once every four months which depends on your luck is regular or irregular. It also lasts longer or shorter depending on the person. Mine, with alpha lasts three days and without I last at least six meanwhile Namjoon with alpha lasts only two and without four."

Jungkook feels tears well up again. "I don't want all of that, I don't want heats."

Hoseok sighs. "I know it sucks but do you want to be prepared or not?"

"Yes." He mutters softly. Wiping at his watery eyes. Part of him longing for Taehyung, for the elder's arms around him as the elders tells him it'll be okay. Even if Taehyung's an alpha now, he has experienced what he will experience within now and three months.

"You'll find yourself begging for an alpha, thought I'm not sure any alpha would work for you since your wolf already knows who his mate is."

"I don't want Taehyung to help me, I'd rather die than let him have that."


"You heard me."

The elder raises his hands in defense. "Whatever you say."

Namjoon enter's the room with a bright smile and a tray with cups of tea. "You'll experience your heat in waves and the longest heat every documented was up to a month!" The calm-omega immediately regrets his words as he sees the look on the youngest's face. "But! Average with alpha is two to four days and without..." he turns to his friend for help but Hoseok pretends not to see.

"Just tell me how long." Jungkook says wanting to drown in his misery.

"Usually between four to... nine days."

"NINE?" He yells startling the two other's a little. "Fuck this, I'm throwing myself out the window."

"No, sit and drink your tea."

Jungkook takes a sip, immediately burning his mouth, loudly cursing he goes to get some water while Namjoon turns to Hoseok.

"Did you tell him how heats get triggered more often?" The younger asks.

Hoseok shakes his head. "He doesn't want to talk to Tae."

The taller sighs. "This won't end well."

Tae is trying ('̀-'́)
Also I love seeing your guys' reasoning to which side you're on

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