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Jungkook feels split, as if his wolf and him are tied by a rope and each pulling in the opposite direction. He himself feels relieved that he finally spoke his mind but his wolf is howling and filling him with guilt.

What should he feel guilty for? Taehyung truly isn't his best version right now, he is being a hypocrite and unfair.

Yet, he finds himself wanting to go back and apologise for his behaviour. Beg for forgiveness and he might even accept a punishment.

But he won't go back, instead he's across his two new omega best friends. The two share a look, staying awfully silent when he's told them what happened, word for word.

"What?" He asks when they don't say anything. Aren't they proud he stood up for himself? He didn't let himself be convinced by Taehyung's empty promises to do better. They should be proud.

"Well..." Hoseok starts, turning to his friend for help.

"It's a bit harsh." Namjoon says carefully.

"Harsh?" The youngest repeats, unsure if he understand where the two are coming from.

"Well yeah." The eldest mumbles softly, shrugging his shoulders.

"So? I should not have defended myself? I should let him do to me whatever he wants? Why the fuck would I do that?" He spits angrily not believing they're taking the alpha's side on things. How could they possibly do such a thing?!

"No, you should always—"

"You know what! Fuck you guys!" He yells, tears welling in his eyes as he jumps up from his seat. "No one understand what it's like—"

"Shut up." Namjoon yells sounding equally as angry but considering the tallest is usually calm and collected, it startles the young omega.

"We're not siding with Taehyung! All we're saying is that the the way you said things was harsh! Very fucking harsh! You and Taehyung both think that just because things aren't going the way you want you get to be a shitty fucking people!" Namjoon isn't just angry, he's furious and absolutely done with the behaviour of the two lovers.

"I never said I condone Taehyung's behaviour, all I said is that maybe you shouldn't have made him feel like the worst person alive!"

Jungkook stands frozen, a pout on his lips as he feels a little panicked. Unsure of what to do he just wipes his eyes as he bursts into tears.

"Ahw, baby." Hoseok mumbles, going to cuddle the omega as they sit down again. "Calm down." The eldest says, softly rubbing his back as he allows him to cry.

Glaring at Namjoon, Hoseok nods his head in the direction of the kitchen. The taller rolls his eyes and leaves to go make tea.

"I-is he mad at me?" Jungkook asks between sobs.

"No honey, he's just a bit frustrated because two people he loves very much are hurting each other." The elder explains, softly wiping at the younger's tears.

"Now dry those tears, we're going to drink some tea and then I'm going to bring you along with me and Min, show you what a healthy relationship can be like."

"You guys are in a relationship?" Jungkook asks curiously.

"Well, not yet. Officially we're still dating but he's basically my boyfriend." Hoseok smiles brightly, we'll go to the arcade and have some fun yeah?"

At the mention of the arcade Jungkook's eyes light up.

"Hell yeah!"

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