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sorry for the wait also i lowkey hate this chapter and will rewrite it soon but the story line will stay the same lol

"Where's he?!" Jin yells, slamming open the door to Taehyung's apartment before freezing at the thick vanilla scent lingering in the air. Eyes wide when they land on Jungkook who's being used as shield between Yoongi and his dad.

"You're in heat?!" Namjoon asks, tiredly following behind while looking around. "Where's Tae?"

"His rut triggered, so he went out." He mumbles, slowly trying to detach the pouty kid from his body. Jin slowly backing away.

"Yoongi, come here." The alpha demands but Yoongi shakes his head furiously. "No! You're mean and I hate you!"

Jin sighs in frustration before taking a deep breath. "I don't mean to be mean or harsh but you can't go out in the middle of the night on your own! God knows what could've happened?!"

"A lot." Namjoon mumbles tiredly, walking over to them and wrapping his arms around the hormonal omega. "But it didn't." Namjoon says before going to burry his face in Jungkook's neck. The latter melting under the touch.

"Did anything happen? Did someone hurt you? Was someone mean to you?"

"No." Yoongi says, still hiding behind the omega in heat. Unaware of the omega's state.

"Let's just go." Jungkook mumbles as he softly pushes Namjoon off, wanting to leave this place. Taehyung's clothes feel like they're burning on his skin but he doesn't have a choice but to wear them. His clothes have blood on them.

"Yoongi come here." Jin demands and the kid hesitantly does before being enveloped into the biggest hug. With a surprised and relieved noise he hugs his dad back.

"I never want you to feel like you need to run from me."

Yoongi bursts into tears, the emotions becoming to much. "I don't hate you dad!"

Jungkook smiles before nudging Namjoon to the door, wanting to get out of this place. Everything about being here hurts. He doesn't even flinch when Namjoon grabs his now bandaged shoulder to pull him back.

He won't show. He won't ever tell them what happened here.

His wolf has been deciding his life since the day he was born. His wolf has messed him up more than anyone else ever could. He won't let it have this, he won't let it have Taehyung.

Taehyung is his best friend, his boyfriend, well, sort off.

He doesn't get to push Taehyung away just because wolves don't experience love the way human's do. His heart will always be human and it'll shatter if he has to leave Taehyung behind. That wolf doesn't get to make his life miserable just because it's scared, his wolf doesn't get to decide what happens next.

He will, as human.

He doesn't care how much pain he'll have to go through. He'll ignore the way the alpha's scent makes his shake in fear, he'll fight the way he flinches at every touch and he'll endure the burning feeling of his clothes and he'll fight for every little moment of happiness they can create.

This is his own fault. He shouldn't have been stubborn, he shouldn't have given Taehyung hell like that. He should have been a good little omega.

"You smell different." Namjoon mumbles.

"Must be the heat." He replies as he fakes a smile that no one can tell is fake. Now, when all is lost, when he's finally lost Taehyung like he'd asked for too many times. Now he wishes they could go back to what it was before.

He'd be a obedient omega, he'd do everything he was asked.

He can't let Taehyung go like this, he won't.

But what will Taehyung do?

dunno if there's any weebs here but i wrote a KuroKen short story on my third account and am working on an UshiTen, not sure if i will publish them ever

KuroKen - wish you were sober
UshiTen - maniac

i'm probs writing an Iwaoi, Bokuaka and Tsukkiyama as well but, again, I'm not sure if I'll publish them or just use them as practice since their characters are very interesting and so are their relationships.

love bunny

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