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You know how it feels sometimes - to get stuck. You feel like you're going nowhere. There's are times I feel like I'm doing really well, there are other times I feel like people hate me. There are some times that I feel as if it doesn't even matter that I exist to people and that they would rather go on around me than acknowledge me. Eventually, you push through it. I can't explain how, but eventually you do. And more and more and more, you become more of your own - an autonomous being. An individual just as important as the collective. You need them less and less to validate you, until finally at death you're a complete person. That's what is meant to happen. That, in your struggle of whatever you may be, you always find yourself.

It was one day that I found myself standing within the pond. They had turned me into a tree. My arms outstretched, my feet firmly growing from the ground.

"What have they done with me?" I ask.

It's terrifying, to realize that you are planted into the ground. All you want to do is feel your feet moving again. All you want to do is find your fins, to explore around. Why did they tell me I could grow? It this what they had in mind?

I want to float down the stream, like water. I want to be carried away. I don't care if I drown. Why did they put me here?

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