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Oh cult
Can't understand
How you can relate to
And hate people so equally
How they can control, while not allowing dissent
And call themselves "champions of the Bible"
When all is said and done, I would rather be in a cottage within the woods than doing any elevation of bullshit I'd rather not be apart of
But that's just me


I did find myself straying towards the woods

I was strayed by dreams of faeries, of bright moving colors, and dreams outside of the church

Of strange flowers growing out of the ground

I wanted to be full, as pregnant, and full of milk as a young budding mother

I feel the barrenness of my womb

I feel the loneliness swimming inside my cells

I look around, seeing the trees that sprout from the ground

I would be one of those, but why keep reaching to heights when you can't find peace in yourself?

I listen very closely, to the sound of bubbling water. I take a deep breath, in and out, feeling the water coming back to my heart.

I put my ear to the ground, and I hear the water there too. It's flowing underground, going to wherever it's needed.

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