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Dying creatures upon the sand - a polyp suckling onto a grown, dead jellyfish

A dying mama sea crab that would rather shield it's baby with it's bright blue body, even when it would be at the risk of seagulls tearing it apart

It's a sad sight, seeing a jellyfish struggle in vain against the tide, washing up onto shore, and breathing it's last breath

It leaves an indent on the sand, creating a water bubble around it

The water caresses it, drenching it with it's life force and absence of,

Giving it a few more minutes to breathe, then slowly retreating away  

Exposing it to more of the sun

There are sand crabs that sit in the sun with a disoriented look upon their faces

They will merely turn their head when you pour water upon them

Walk away and look back, they look like a dying man giving a final plea

Watch the jellyfish now as it rolls onto shore

You think that his brain is lightning up from the realization of his demise

But it is actually the sand crab under it's skin, eating greedily on his brain

Like the heron that paces in the tide pool, awaiting it's meal

So is the beach - begging you to look at it's destruction 

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