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Ghosts  everywhere

Delight in being scarier than the other

Lightning strikes the ground

Shaking the caverns below the Earth

The passage to the Underworld is full of many twists and turns, so much that it is almost near impossible to escape from

I did attempt to help Orpheus lead Eurydice from the Underworld, but he looked back, wanting to see her face

It's obvious that the girl is a true mermaid that forgot who she is - like many of the other souls that come here, full of distress at not knowing who they once were 

I envy her innocence, but find it hard to hate her

She has the same heart I did when I first fell in love

The worst part was the songs - the realization of Orpheus that the one he loved was not and never would be coming back

The wailings found their way through rock and river, reminding Eurydice with brutal pain of a love she cannot feel nor remember anymore

The pervading thought running through my head: What does he not get?

Can't he understand that we've made it this way so that it will be easier, not harder, on the dead and those that mourn them?

I provide the flowers in the cavern gardens, birthing springs from rock

There is music playing, people dancing, and it is almost easier, just for a bit, to forget there is a world above us at all

I take pity on poor Eurydice - who told me that she would rather wander the world as a hungry ghost than forget her beloved

So I gave her one last night with him

As Hades and I, in our intense lovemaking, attempted to ignore their cries

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