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What is reality? I remember that Rabbit Hole so clearly

What are the stuff of dreams?  What are these people that have been

A massive importance to my life?

I remember them so vividly. It sometimes appears that I'm 

Peering from a dream out into the reality of 

Life, but what is more true is 

The limits of this dream seem more real 

Than the world that is out there

It is only an accumulation of

Dreams - nothing more. We think that the world

"Out-there" is more important, but it is 

Nothing compared to the world 

In here

I swear, I can remember being loved once, though

A girl like me shouldn't believe in love. The other

Half I spend being a cynic, keeping my head 

Down, hoping that nobody notices how 

Weird I am

You're so used to being alone that you ignore when

Real love is knocking on your door. When life blows

Up, moving outward, shining so 

Brightly on your skin, calling you to 

Taste the stars

But the day, it takes control over those midnight dreams

Calling them out into daylight, telling them that they won't 

Survive in the sun

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