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Yeah, I feel frustrated

Perhaps there's never truly enough words that are pretty for poetry

Maybe the water flows until it doesn't know where to go

Does it go to an underground world full of bluebloods and royals who would dance around, laughing at my ignorance?

I feel caught up in a wave of disinformation, which causes the things i once tok as misinformation to seem more closely related to truth 

There's secret kept, and they are generational

There are sides to everyone, secrets they would rather keep to their graves

I have spent life as a human, and I know there are halls and passageways of secrets they would rather keep for themselves 

I've lived many lifetimes, as did everyone else, going to work each day, and acting as if the world I know will be all there ever is

Then I found it - a secret library

The library existed within my own mind, but it contained many truths

I saw myself outside myself looking in 

The Earth is empty now

They had to make a permanent reset because of the way human society was going because too many of them had taken advantage of nature for too long

It felt spooky to be on Earth, watching so many of them put to sleep and disappearing

I didn't make it onto the ship as my body died from the virus, but it only caused myself to end back up in the water - staring as the empty city of Miami, remembering how it had been full of life, while equally forgetting the persona that I had once answered to 

The only other person that I found stood as a ghost on the beach, waving at me and asking "What happened? Where are all the people? What are you exactly?"

"I'm a spirit like you - trapped in a mermaid."

"I must be dreaming" she says.

"Tell me what happened" I say. "Maybe it'll help you feel better. 

So she proceeds to tell me what she last remembered. 

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