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Quiet call into midnight

I want things to make sense again

But I've never read the books on my shelf

Nor do I leave offerings to the fae

A novel I've read for nearly 30 days

A story half-edited / half-finished

And another seeming like fragments of a comic book

Long stretches of meadow, calling me to collect herbs and search for a leprechaun's pot of gold

I bury the phone close to my body

As 5g radiation blasts into my body

Old habits die hard I guess

My dad is dead

There is a pandemic going around

They might fake an alien invasion or rapture

Perhaps isolation had made me loony

How many days must I sit outside?

The sun shines in the brilliant rainbow ray

I feel as if I could be alone forever

I dream of the days I used to pop pills into my mouth

Being crazy has made me sane

You - the unwilling doctor

At best, you can leave and say it was my fault

I feel eerily calm

There's a pandemic going around

My dad is dead

Being crazy made me sane

Old habits die hard I guess

I want things to make sense again

Quiet call into midnight

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