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I stopped selling essential oils

I got bored of the flowers growing in my garden

Beans began to taste as nothing more than beans

The sun no longer inspires me as it starts the day

I lost the secret to what some would say is "eternal age"

I stopped selling essential oils

The mason jars began to collect dust in the shed

As the animals died

I stopped replacing them

The tv became less of a comfort

I let paint chip off the walls

I got bored by the flowers in my garden

I let the bugs eat the leaves of the plants

I let the weeds find room in the soil

I took the rose buds and crushed them into petals

That I tore into little squares 

I allowed them to float on the surface of the pond

I got bored of the glowers in my garden

I lit parts of it on fire

Tore out old notebook pages and burnt them too

Hammered at the walls of the house

Slept outside

I let the bugs eat the leaves of the plants

And when there was none left, I slaughtered the last cow

Blood splattered my shirt

I bathed the rest of my clothes in the blood

And died my hair red

I let the bugs eat the leaves off the plants

Starving, I lay down in the cold grass

Feeling the snow on my body

When I had enough, I decided to grow plants again

I began to sell essential oils 

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