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Why leave the beach?

Feel like a vagabond traveler

Picking up trash, swatting away flies

Dishes are greasy and so am I

SUV permeates smell of hot leather 

As I await my doom

Lego movie sounds throughout the car - drawing everyone to nonsense

Factory plumes funnel poisoned air 

Long stretches of grass, where they claim they fell in love

Tall buildings rise into the sky, their lies of achievement and progress sing 

Fast food beckoning from the side of the road

Heat bouncing off the pavement

Telephone poles bouncing electricity into the mind

To look or not look at the wedding?

That's the great question - are they caressing along the shoreline

That I tore myself apart from?

At this point, I can only blame myself for continuing to live in nepotism

And not dive straight into the unknown

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