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Richard watched as his family wailed and mourned over the death of his grandfather. He watched his aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings share over memories he did not remember. 

He wrote a poem to read at the celebration. Half of the women were amazed that an 11 year old boy could write such thoughtful words. He recited as his mother leaned into his father's arms. His father, after he was finished, pats him on the back and says "good job son." He would not be arguing with his wife tonight. 

The door to his grandfather's library was heavily guarded. He succeeded in finishing his book. Many of the stories had not seen the light of day. The book would be carefully transcribed into 15 copies by the Benedictine monks and then the original copy would be sealed underground in a glass case, held secure in the monastery of the holy order. 

Richard brings a brown bag. He waits until 2 of the soldiers leave post to go to the bathroom, then walks up to the 3rd.

"Please sir, let me in."

The guard's mouth sets in a firm line.

Richard takes a deep breath and kicks the soldier in the balls. He keels over in pain, as Richard hurried to lock the door.

As the guard yells to the others, Richard hurries the book into his bag. Then, he stomps on the floor 3 times to reveal a trap door, umping in, dragging the bag, and sealing himself inside. He listens to the sounds of the soldiers overhead that break into the room, listening to them shout curses. Then he goes down the hall. 

He's accompanied by the flower fairy - whom throws flowers wherever he walks.

"I'm so excited!" exclaims the flower faerie that accompanies him.

He smiles at her. The flower fairy has the innocence of the child though she is 100 years old, and she is extremely beautiful. 

They make it out of the tunnel - to where the Earth faerie paces back and forth. The water faerie sits, letting herself be amused by the mermaids that splash her. 


There's his grandmother in Goddess form. She's the most beautiful woman he has ever seen - with sparkly skin, plum wine colored hair, a silver crown, and a dress the color of orchid. She stands next to her husband - tall with olive skin, eyes the color of two black pools, and a crisp cut black suit. They were hugged at the hip to each other, young looking enough that it almost looked as if she ran away yesterday to be with her lover. 

She opens her arms to hug her grandson, and he finds herself enfolded in her presence - for he had known his grandmother for a long time - she had watched him everything he'd do. 

"The faerie world has found its stories again" says the Earth faerie, placing the book on the platform beneath the tree. It sinks into the platform - the gold light sinking beneath the tree and moving up it's roots - illuminating the tree. There's a roaring sound from which a hollow opening breaks through. A large monster walks out, revealing itself to be a giant. There are witches flying out on their brooms, screeching joy. Dragons step out, their stomps shaking the entirety of the ground.

"The time has come for all the fae to join the world of humans!" shouts the Earth faerie. 

The mermaids cheer, and begin singing a song very ancient that it almost makes the trees bend to the sound of the beautiful music. 

"The trees will come to life again. They will whisper ancient knowledge among themselves - whispering tales of times we have forgotten."

No one seems to be listening to the Earth faerie, as there are many other creatures that are rushing out - griffins, phoenix, trolls, ghosts, leprechauns, hags, unicorns, and pixies. The flower faerie throws flowers on every creature that enters through - whether they be angel or demon. 

The pixies light up the trees, coloring them in purple, pink, and blue. Mushrooms and rocks light up, making the forest all illuminated. Flowers light up from the ground gloating along the air, giving the forest a beautiful scent. Particles of light float around so much so that you can't tell what is real from what is magic. 

The leprechauns and the trolls bring out instruments and the music begins to play. There are cheers among the fae folk as they pass wine and rum among each other, partaking in gossip. 

The faeries dance among the pixies - whom illuminate the woods throughout the darkness. There is the sound of a distant lyre playing. Lepurchauns, trolls, and gnomes dance in a circle. Richard strains his head to see Atargatis and Hades whispering to each other, as if promising each other declarations of love in comfort. 

"Dance with me!" shouts the flower faerie. She entraps Richard into a a circle of light and warmth, twirling him around while smiling the whole time. 

By the time the party dies down, the flower fairy has disappeared. 

His grandmother kisses her lover. 

"Our time together is complete" she explains.

"You'll still be together?" asks Richard.

Atargatis kisses his forehead.

"Of course we will be together, just not in the same way, and I'll always be with you."

Atargatis and Hades walk hand in hand into the water, giving one last wave to the faeries. They then kiss each other, long and deep, as they descends into the water. Richard talks of them to this day to his own children. 

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