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The siren plays the lyre, drawing to her ship near-drowned sailors that would rather wreck their ships and die as long as they can hear her song

She looks upon him with indifference, an otherworldly beauty stalking her prey

It is said that Aphrodite, otherwise known as Atargatis, emerged from her clamshell as a perfect beauty - stark naked, her blonde hair flowing in the wind

Many a maiden would follow her example, appearing naked on the beach, hoping to attract a sailor

The sea is wild and untamed

Though the center of all life on Earth, it is not to be trusted

It is an epicenter of death 

Should you be like Dahut, falling in love with the forces of darkness

Your father may then be forced to abandon you to the waves

Mermaids are not human so

I have no sympathy for them - especially the ones that long for human form 

Without the touch of a man, they'll sprout horns, their breasts will be taken over by fish scales, their hair will be as lengthy and disgusting as kelp, their eyes cross-eyed, and their gaping mouth wishing to bite your hand

Don't be fooled by their lithe form, their long blonde hair, their sad eyes longing for love

If they are lucky, they may become a spirit roaming the skies but

They will never have a soul 

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