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They believe they are Gods

They live in the glory of their rise, for they believe it will be the cause of their ascension

They will tell you that they are Gods

They will give you trite advice, believing that their talent is innate

They will invite you to tear down your wall brick by brick, until it is "public-approved" - until it is familiar and

Did somebody sit you down one day and tell you that your work is to be in the background of helping other people get on with their lives?

That you don't have the freedom to express yourself as you really are?

Well, consider this a sign of the universe that you are given permission to be the authentic person you were called to be

How much faith do you really have in your heart?

Do you know that a lot of art is recreating the same image you have in your head, the same style or sound, the same color and instruments

Refining each piece to say more than the last

You CANNOT create out of an intimation of someone else, nor by copying what you think you should be doing

When J.K. Rowling invented her world of wizards and witches

We forsaken the memory of our own magic

Really though, if you struggle to believe in your own magic

Take a walk down Times Square - stare at the moving billboards and tall skyscrapers

What makes you or I different from Bill Gates or Elon Musk?

The difference is one has their hand on the trigger, the other doesn't

I wonder what would happen if the astronaut farmer had felt encouraged enough to make his own rocket and fly away from this mess

Or if the lost mermaid had the courage to dive into the sea?

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