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It's time to wake up Pisces. She rides the waves, her breath turning from deep to shallow. She realizes that aesthetic beauty cannot keep one from discomfort. Art can only be used for interpretation. She is an artist, not an art historian, nor a art psychologist. She ventures through the multilayered creative process - being at the middle, then the end, and then backwards to the beginning.

She swims the waters of the deep, trekking through many seas, swimming just above the Underworld caves, and right below the skies of heaven. She's heard many a longing of humans that wish to swim the oceans like her and her sisters do. They are knowing there's a chance of drowning, and wishing for it anyway. All they desire is to see the other half of the world and to be caressed by a mermaid before drowning.

Our images call to men's conflicting sexual nature and women's repressed sexuality. We beckon from paintings half naked, dating other women to be just as free. Many a lady has given up her misery in life to become a woman of the waves.

It was I whom made a deal with the Sea Witch in order to see the real world. They warned me not to go, laughing at me saying I knew more about different shades of coral than survival, and that I would be distracted by taking part in the world of Earth. Regardless I make the deal, being determined to prove to my family of my ability to take care of myself.

"There's something I require in return" says the Sea Witch. "I want to understand what love is. I've heard it 'makes the seasons go round.' If you can prove to me what love is, I'll allow you to return to the sea. Drinking this potion will seal our bargain."

So I take the potion, because she's my aunt, and I know I can trust her. I'll prove to her love isn't real, and that the humans are just like us.

I swim to the surface to begin my journey, finding myself rocked back and forth within stormy seas. There are shouts from the huge ship swimming next to me. A body falls into the water.

He had pretty eyes and a nice smile. He stares at me, knowing exactly what I am, before falling asleep again. I carry his heavy body on mine, swimming fast to shore, knowing that the curse can take form at any time.

When we finally make it to the beach, he's stopped breathing. I restart his heart through respiration. He finally breathes, staring at me.

"You saved me" he says. "It's imperative I take you back to the kingdom and make sure you're okay."

I take a breath to speak, but no words come out.

"It's okay. I know what you are."

We walk towards the kingdom. He regains strength to carry me along. He tells me dragons have taken over the land, in spite of many that have never seen them. That it "takes a brave soldier to tame these beasts." He tells me of all the great kingdoms too - the technology, culture, and villages that flourished. Also, a group of wizards seeking to convince the rest of the world that magic isn't real.

"Prince! You're alive!" exclaims the young men that run off the ship.

"Help me get this maiden to the caste."

The men nod, giving the prince a white stallion that gallops to the castles. He tells me as we ride "You'll make it."


I'm an older woman now with 4 raised young women. The eldest, Thea, was recently married to the 2nd prince of the Mountain Kingdom, moved here to the first to learn our ways and assist my daughter in being Heir Queen.

"You're not happy are you?" asks the prince. "I wish I knew what could make you happy."

I have cried many tears for a life that should give me joy, for a man that I should be able to love. I get up, seeing tears fall out of this man's eyes, hugging him to my chest, kissing him on the forehead. Gently my fingers slip into his palm as I smile at him, beckoning him to follow me.

We descend the stairs past my son in law's knights that are practicing jousting in the lawns. I lead him to the woods with very little resistance. He allows me to guide him past the forest's face stones - which lead us to a different clearing near the sea. There, two others await me.

The Moon Goddess stands on the shore, enveloping me in a hug.

There in the water stands a darker looking mermaid. His eyes have seen many a terrible thing. He sits within the water as if he were uncomfortable within it. On his neck is a lei that carries the flowers of his dead wife. He avoids looking at me, even when he knows well who I am.

"It's time for us to go" says the Moon Goddess. "Tie your hands together and we'll be transported to the Moon Palace for judgement and regeneration."

"Wait" I say, walking up to the prince, giving his hand squeeze and kiss before going back to the water.

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