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I don't want life to go back to normal

I don't miss the way things were before

When I think about being around people concerned 

Of what I can do for them

I think to myself that I'd rather not

I don't really want to hear your opinion

On what you think I should do

On how you think I should behave

I've spent too many nights caught up in guilt

Asking God to redeem what's inside of me

I don't miss the way things were before

I don't miss questioning my sanity

Feeling as if I'll never get on the wavelength of others

That I have to turn my head inside out

In order to be understood

I think there's benefit to others

Of my silence and guilt

Asking God to redeem what's inside of me

Wanting love from my family they don't readily give

Wanting to be accepted, while stifling down who I am

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