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Sing to me in colors Ruth Wilson

Of the stories you write within your clothes

Bring me out from the garden of the dreary into the sun 

You hear the stories that could stay mere echoes 

Bring them up from the water, the dirt, and sand

Pulling nature around - beautiful equality - rich, damp Earth

In the stories you write, no one is separate

You built a unique tapestry of stories

Shared songs and chants, colorful turbans, and spirits that haunt

The cursed slaves ships

You touch each person that walks along the cusp of rebellion

With music, dignity, and their pride

Lead me back into Africa

A people forced on their backs

The weight of a nation they never wanted to fight for

Bring back the tall towers of Wakanda

Rich tribal legacy leading into the future

Respect for all life

Not just an intimate few

Every day is a struggle

To be solved

For characters that speak as much in their appearance as their words

Fixing the finishing touches of a moving painting 

To be part of a cultural legacy

How does it feel 

To spring imagination into the minds of many?

To know their studied histories live and breathe

In every wardrobe you've woven 

Your mannequins stand around as if ready to jump to life

Ready to tell the stories of hidden histories

These histories, unveiled every single day, for years to come 

The Last MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now