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Ghosts haunt, banging on the walls

Calling their relatives in dreams all the way from the Underworld

There is no use holding onto what's no longer yours

Longing to possess, to materialize, to give shape and form

To make noises and scare

You stand on the precipice of death - reliving the same day over and over

You don't know how to get rid of your titles your history, your pride

I'm calling you back, can you hear me now?

As you pound your feet in protest to death 

We salute your memory, your sacrifice, the tireless thanks that are to be given to you

The world grows up around you

Your shadows, loneliness, longing to be understood

We salute death -  those passageways that keep one realm from filtering into the next

Though they are deep, dark, full of ghost stories

Like the water above

So we will too find our way back to life 

The Last MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now