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I'm taking a break from myself

Learning to let go of expectations and timetables

I am exactly where I need to be

The harder you try to make space 

The more you realize you're not in complete surrender

You're not focusing on your desires

When he chooses her

You have to chose yourself

Maybe surrender is something we never finish

Perhaps some of us are just slower to grow

We have to learn to extradite ourselves from our past

To realize "you owe no obligation to the person you were yesterday"

Realizing your path is in your own hands 

That, if you want something, you must make it happen

There will be no more caterpillar stages of dreaming what you wish yourself to be

No more late night study sessions thinking "once I get to this point, then..."

There are no more "this points," comparison, or insecurity eating yourself away

The tears flow

Know when to move on 

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