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Fire kindles in the hearth

She stares out the big windows onto the grounds below

Where students walk back and forth on their way to classes, rushing along

Finals will be coming soon, so it's time to review what we have learned, everything from the components of different planets, the functions of various ecosystems; to the intersection of philosophy and education or, the cultural differences between Psychology, Language, and Communication

There are papers to write, and you trudge through each master's thesis, each educational study, with begrudging anticipation of your new educational journey

The quiet, burning passion lies in the books you will write and read - the inner worlds you will travel to within your mind

No room for water, for dreams, for holding onto ideas that will have no stronghold in reality

The quiet, burning passion lies in the books you will read, the poems and stories you will write, and the worlds you will travel to within your mind

The seasons are a welcome change from the muggy, burning summer months

You think on those days by the beach, burning along to the slow tempo of the sun, baking into infinity

Now you must bundle in sweaters

The football games, Halloween movies, choir concerts, and ballet recitals; the new Disney movies, an impermanent spring giving way to showers, followed by that dreaded, muggy summer

Once again, the things you learn will float away to the sky, and you'll wonder if anything means anything at all

You will not capture the energy of every soul you come across, while passing every test

No, you will not win every battle

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