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"You cannot live in fantasy land. Life is not that interesting. You need money to do the things you want. That only comes from hard work. What's going to happen to you when your money runs out?"

"He's not coming back. It's not realistic for him to leave his wife. The only reason online dating doesn't work for you is because you haven't really tried it yet."

Tell yourself he's changed

You tell yourself he's coming back

That you've worked on yourself 

You're better, that he's better, whether you like it or not 

She's coming, whether you like it or not

This town, these friends, will be hers too

Told yourself that you can keep him

You've become complacent, thinking the social bonds around you are permanent, that people are constant, not fickle beings

You'll see that she's everything you're not, and better than you 

She'll make more money than you 

Cook better than you

She'll talk in an annoying high voice and act like an idiot sometimes,

He'll give his sperm to her, not you

All the TV spouts "You're not enough. You have Bipolar. You need to dread THIS. You can't have unconditional love."

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