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She's ready to be loved, but she's alone

The apartments are painted blue, like the emotions she longs to get away from

She'll tell herself she's fine, but is she really fine?

The water is a bright aqua-blue - an abandoned block of pool where water lays in the middle

The setting imitates purity 

Around the pool are several small waterfalls to give the feeling of life

The lights make a sharp contrast with the dark, night sky she wants so badly to drink

The strawberry margarita beckons her from the wine cabinet, glowing with the hot pink promise of eternal youth

The bright light shining onto the pavement

The dark windows of blackness, devoid of life

She almost opens the liquor bottle, almost, then remembers the promise she made to her dad

His words "I want you to have a better life than mine, and mom's"

It isn't good to lock yourself away

It surely isn't good to go to sleep every night, wishing the next day to be better

Loneliness - the ultimate aphrodisiac

But there's no water to drown in

And too many eyes to judge

The Last MermaidWhere stories live. Discover now