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The "happy ending" is never clear cut

No matter how much they try to write it off as a clear lesson in morales

"Don't be a crazy bitch"

Rarely do you ever see the kind of conclusion in literature that years in life bring

Sometimes, they chose the crazy bitch in the end, even after the "happily ever after"

I question literature, in spite learning to love it

I question young girls that are taught to believe, that by matter of their virtue, they have a purity that they can hang over the heads of men that they love

I question men who, after one experience with a crazy chick, make a work of literature akin to Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina;

Even coming so close as to write an entire DSM manual in order to classify female neurosis

Emotion is never so logical 

But we like to label our ex's as narcissists, 

And ourselves as heroes of a journey 

A victim to the hands of those that don't understand us

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