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Carrying the weight of her lover, but she cannot take him back to the sea

Spends her days hiding from random creatures, both good and bad, that can attack her within the deep

Why do mermaids, surrounded by beautiful fish, brilliant music, and daring art

Dream to be on land with a human male?

They linger for a man's touch, as they pose luxuriously on the rocks

Even though a world lays beneath their tails

The mermaids pretend they are being caressed by the setting sunset sky

While others, less interested in appearing beautiful, swim and gossip among each other

The arctic blue water laps against their milky-white, moon bodies 

The ocean, full of salts and kelp, is the source of their eternal youth

Why leave the ocean when you have everything you need?

I remember those days of summer sun - chaotic communions of friendship and gaiety

A mermaid caresses her lover - a diver that his come to greet her

She kisses him deeply, pressing her pearl white and rosy-tipped breasts against him, while shielding his view of the sun with her blazing, red-hot hair

Fish swim around them to keep them alone

She's elusive, so far removed from the world

An otherworldly phenomenon, and all the same, whole 

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