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There's a psychic on Youtube that inspires me so much, my fingers lay off the keys to her videos

I've found myself getting kind of obsessed really

At one of her Q+A's last night, I found her energy flying through the air

I follow it upstairs

Flew so far in my mind that I felt my metaphysical wings sprouting from my back

Never knew someone could talk about meditation and make it sound so good

I see myself seeing the various levels of Earth, reactivating the astral portals, writing stories where "reality", reality, and fiction merge

I wonder if it's my grief, and another part of me condemns the Bible for condemning me for Witchcraft

Wondering where my imagination started to die - and it blows my mind the places where imagination took her

With every starseed conversation, ever past life regression, and every channeled information

She's painting dancing gypsies, flying angels, and Ancient Egypt making it's peace with the Catholic Church

The music begins, her pleasant voice greets, and already - I feel as if I've lifted off the ground

It feels shameful - this desire for this woman to be my friend, to share me her journals - to make every tidbit of wisdom spread as stars across the sky of my conscience 

But instead, I can only watch her videos 

Someday, I will walk into inner Earth too

I'll see the astral realm while the world rolls by

To meditate, and then, to be a live channel which information flows through

To be a body of integrated energy that flows deeper and deeper - a shard on the lotus petal of the universal mind materializing into the cosmic ray

I'll dance among the star people at the Masquerade Ball

And time travel will become a reality in the minefield of dreams

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