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Is it narcissistic to cry?

Is it stubbornness to hang onto your dreams?

The boundary between the real and the imaginary is thin, as you try to drag me back telling me "You need to live in the real world"

I finally feel some comfort with the world, while you try to stage an intervention in the kitchen

You bat your eyelashes, worried that I'm crazy 

"You can be optimistic, but it's about bridging between optimism and realism - otherwise, you'll die of a broken heart. It's just not realistic that he would come back to you. Why would you even want him back anyways? He's married, move on. I used to be so stuck in my head, that I didnt' realize how self-absorbed I was."

"You mean it's like a form of narcissism?"

"I was able to get out of my own head when I aimed to do something for others. I always try to help others, through advice or whatever>'

My mind rages against my hard ego

A form of narcissism, intent on enacting change, lacking in sense

I swear now I can see the pregnant bride as she walks down the beach

As I struggle in vain, wondering why I've stayed in love with him for so long

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