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Generic writing sells
Imagine what a generic soul will do

I see myself fishing for likes
I will write a poem for the masses

Your love is like
A blue whale
Sailing deep
Drag my heart
Down into your intimacy

I've been calling your name for many years
All you had to do was look in the mirror

We wanted to be everything we weren't
Chased after rainbows
Running off
Into some great unknown

I wish you loved me the way I loved you

-a voice drowned in your forgetfulness

Generic is as generic
As a pumpkin spice frappuccino
As popular
As a president that shames women
As trite as advice to "love yourself" and that you shouldn't question what's implausible

But if you find yourself falling down the rabbit hole
If you find yourself not recognizing the world around you
Please meet me there, before I hear one more piece of BS writing written by a 12 year old

signed idc


There's too much water in me

I gasp, breaking the surface, taking a deep breath of the night air

I stare up, looking at the stars in the sky

Fragments of comets trail past

Followed by satellites

Stupid humans

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