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Why did I believe I was better than others?

Shame on me for wanting control of my body

I used to do amazing things - to bend backward, stretch, and breathe

But I pressed too far

Broke my back in its bend towards "spiritual-awareness"

And oh, my, why did God save me?

I see now quite clear why this event happened

I turned out of myself - out of my ego, and my belief in my own superhuman ability took over

I overestimated myself, and should have only relied on God

So now, I'm turning back to the Bible, to the understanding that I may have gone too far

Like Icarus wanting to fly as close as possible to the sun

Perhaps I simply liked the view of what it would be like to be all powerful

I thought, had I studied enough of the secret texts, I would find whom I supposed to be

But now, I'm keeping my head down

I don't dream of being places other than where I already am

I feel whole and complete

I am comforted by the mysteries of what I don't know

I wake up every moment of of my spiritual ignorance, to pray, to realize the foolishness of relying on self knowledge

I turn away thoughts of desire

To sacrifice for the greater good

My soul to convert others to heaven

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