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Down we descend to Planet Earth, where a variety of wild changes are taking place. There are holes that are poking through the Earth - making it seems more like a block of swiss cheese than hard rock. 

"There are many other worlds below Earth" says Hades.

There are blue skinned people - humanoid faces wearing strange robes and headpieces that symbolize the different planets. 

Then there are the shooting stars that turn out to be mermaids, singing as they fall down from the sky, landing in the water and flashing their tails. 

What's more amazing, however, are the ships that fly down. Thousands of them land, and human beings walk out of them whispering among each other "Is this Earth?" They are greeted by the blue people and the tall grey aliens that lead them around, showing them the regenerated land. 

The dawn of the day is turning to dusk quickly. Pixies guide the way as we run through the forest, not knowing where we are going and laughing all the while. 

"Why do I feel high off life?"

"Please. I've been in the underworld for thousands of years. It's easier when you have someone though."

We don't look at each other as we mourn Persephone.

"I've always thought I've been crazy being in love with a ghost I've never met. Sometimes I would wonder if I ever knew what love is."

"We've been a part of the human world too long" says Hades. "Now we have to learn to be one of them."

"The humans?"

"No... the creatures... or Gods... or whatever it is that we are" he says. 

Though the clouds cover the sky, the stars poke out, glittering through. The universe is expanding, or is it retracting? There seems to be an infinite number of them, making the sky look like a glittering jewel. 

"I feel like I've been on a thousand year journey" I say to him.

"And now it's time to sleep."

He stretches out his arm for me to place my head.

"Go to sleep" he says."

And so I do. 


I fall into a deep dream. It's the beginning of time, and there are souls assigned to their respected planetary stations. All throughout the week, there had been many celebrations. "It's another incarnation cycle!" People would shout, parading down the streets or going to their local street food vendor. "think of all the things we are going to learn and all the places we are going to see!"

The Earth and Moon Goddess sit on the sidelines with many of the other 'Gods,' smoking kush, while watching the reception. 

"I can't believe we have to do this again" states the Moon Goddess.

"well, you've spent your time having massive orgies, so I'd say it's about time for you to do something else" says the Earth goddess back. 

The Moon Goddess snorts. 

Off to the sides of the festivities, the vigilante Gods look like a couple of dark-clothed goths. An attendant, Oko, keeps them from interacting with the mortals and reminding them of their impending doom. 

"I just can't believe we have to go through this again!" I say, loud enough for Oko to hear. 

"The Twin Flame program is going to help you guys ascend quickly!' says Oko. "it's been approved by the God-head, and it's going to be tried out on the mortals, so it must work!"

I stare over to the left, where I can make out Olympus Palace - where some of the more elevated Gods, Goddess, Faeries, Mermaids, and even advanced Witches could lounge around at leisure, choosing to spend eternity in their pleasure palaces or come down to incarnation if they'd wish. I spent many a night since the announcement of the God-head imagining those pleasure palaces. Perhaps I'd get a massage in the meditative dark cave, or swim around in the youthful, ethereal hot springs with the mermaids, but nope! I was going to incarnate again. 


The process seems to happen overnight. The Moon Goddess looks into the mirror. One of her heads was a dark man with red eyes, another was a white skinned, blonde haired woman with blue eyes. 

"What?" both say in unison. 

Then the man checks out the woman. 

"You're hot" he says. 

The woman was jaw-dropped in reply, blushing out of her cheeks. 


I stir, and so does Hades.

"Did you see?"

He laughs, and I laugh too.

"I like this - just being with you" he says.

"Me too."

By the time the morning comes, we are both the children again. Mist has settled form the midnight rain into a dew that settles among the leaves and gras. The birds sing through the trees and the bugs whizz past. We stay silent for a long time. Finally, we find a flowing stream by a flower field. He and I stare out at the beauty. Then he walks over, takes my head in his hand, and kisses me. 

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