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Crystals line the walls

A meditation mat

Picture of a guru

Prayer beads

A heaven of rainbow string lights

Is she really wrong about everything?

She doesn't need anyone's validation

Doesn't second guess herself

Why be unhappy being utterly alone?

You have everything you need

Love is not far from you

You have the freedom to be completely authentic

To be exactly who you are

I love you

Cause I know you as I know myself

I've been feeling you reaching across the void

Seen you at dusk, underneath street lamps, hiding in your car

I've seen you put down that book

I applaud you when you walked out of that church

When you left that group of friends

I've seen you hold onto a love that can't bee seen with one's 2 eyes

And I've seen you stand up for yourself when they called you crazy

Your vibration is rising so high, I can see the angel wings spreading off your back

I'm watching you fly off into the sky

You New Age Psychopath

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