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Hair in my face. 

When does the food run out?

Camping is so boring. 

Honestly, how will I ever be married?

Sometimes, I see shadows - they have become a part of daily life. 

What is it like to eat Bison?

To make love to the love of your life in the wilderness - his bare body covering yours with muscles and protection?

While you make love, you feel as if the two of you were written in the stars. 

I'm not sure if love will ever find me. 

I'm trying to cook, hands covered in cocoa powder. 

I wish I could go to France, Italy, and Spain to learn how to cook like Europeans - people who care about food. 

I go to the bathroom all the time, ALL THE TIME!

You can have all the books in the world, but sometimes it's not enough to keep you entertained. 

You can love music, but your music sounds like a party that people would feel uncomfortable attending - except foreign Gigolos that want to get laid. 

Lost in the party, dreaming of you. Do I just not know how to love?

Must I give up on wanting that feeling cause I know it will fade in time?

Have become so obsessed with art - want to paint my masterpiece into every house in the world. 

Gotten to the point where no one understands, and art is irrelevant. 

Must conform to what is expected of me, all the while having a picture of what could have been. 

I'll never write enough, never read enough. 

Books are open, and half finished.

They lose the essence of what could have been. 

I'm losing the essence of my life, and I'm striding towards an egoless death. 

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