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There's not much to being a nymph. Some would say that it is the most easiest job in the universe. Women wish they were us - to have an unhealthy level of perfection, no reproductive problems, no men running away, with aesthetic personalties, and surroundings that have no taxes, no failing appliances, and no dirtiness. We have everything here that we will ever need. Our food is fresh and various. Usually, we eat plants that are more full of sun energy than anything you could get on Earth. We have waterfalls with mineral water that keep our skin smooth and as fresh as a baby. We are able to walk anywhere, but are never in danger - just continually surrounded by beautiful nature. Everything here is something you've dreamed of. As long as we stay here, we will never die.

The only problem, the stipulate of being a nymph, is that we have to appear in mens' dreams. You know those legends of the selkies? The legend in Scottish Mythology is of seals that shed their coat and become beautiful men and women. It is said that if you steal their coat, that selkie is indebted to you, and that you will marry them.

That truth is similar to what goes on in the nymph world. If you make love to a nymph, you will find that woman in the human world where you can "lay claim" to her again.

Our race has a never-ending shortage of tree nymphs, air nymphs, and water nymphs that end up 'taken' by the entrapments of a human body in real life. Most of us are smarter than that, because the elders take it upon themselves to warn us of giving into the desire of the flesh. This makes most of us women of great beauty, and equally great loneliness.

Even a woman in jealousy of others bodies can go to sleep and see us. It is in those moments we turn to them, allowing them to see us in our vulnerability and beauty. This can be healing for most women - to see what men  want them to be, and to realize that they can never nor should never want to be it.

We are nude, but sometimes we show up in clear or white dresses - it really just depends on what is attractive to the person.

I remember quite readily this one time when I was young that a young, egotistical man was having a dream that plenty of women were desirous of him. Often, this is how one of these visages starts - the man is on the other side of the screen, and the nymphs decide whether or not to bring him in. This time, they brought him in, and pushed their breasts at him. They glided up and down him with their silky, oiled bodies. It was a very ridiculous thing.

This man was so egotistical that he didn't just want the ones on him, but to also stare at the nymphs far away that bathed under the waterfall, giggled, and eyed him desirously.

I was so sick and scared. I ran off into the woods because of this.

It was there, stumbling lost, that I found a beautiful, kind-eyed man walking through the woods. I try to hide from him, but he notices me.

"Hey, are you crying?" he asks.

Nymphs cannot talk to humans, so I simply nod back.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" he says.

I smile, because he's beautiful too. I come close to him, and then shove my breasts at his chest.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't do that. You.... you think that is what all men do, don't you?"

He looks deeply into my eyes with sympathy, and then he kisses me. His fingers graze lightly over the mounds of my breasts. Tears spill down my cheeks.

He murmurs "So lovely. You're so pure-hearted, you do not deserve even me, but the highest realm with stars and clouds - with giant king beds, with roaring waterfalls, with servants to cater to your every whim."

I learn all about his life - he's been abused by his father, his mother left young, he's really lonely, and very lovely. He feels misunderstood from those around him, listens to music, is incredibly sad, and walks through the realm of dreams because he has dreamed of finding a being that would be capable of understanding him. When he looks at me, there's so much sadness equaled with unconditional love and acceptance. When he touches me, I feel like I could cry.

Eventually he learns that he would have to take me in order to get me back to his world - where we can be together forever. He talks to me slow about his dreams, and his deepest desires. Then he starts touching my breasts, kissing me, and doing much more. He allows me to touch him, but every time he gets close enough to me, I panic. He tells me, "There is time, we can do this when you are ready."

His life has gotten better because of me. We are in love. He doesn't come that often anymore, but he promises the next time he comes that this can happen.

I think of him as I lay in the woods. I touch myself. I think about love. I listen to the other nymphs giggling. Sometimes I sneak a look at them, to see what it will be like. They allow themselves to the men, whom enter them. There's a sharp cry, as if they are in an incredible amount of pain. They cry for the intimacy they had allowed. The men come over them, grunting like animals, without any concern for the way they rip them apart.

When the time comes to meet my love, I'm scared. I watch him from far away. He calls for me. Tears fall down his face, and mine. I run away from him. I feel him chasing me, but after a while, he gives up.

Since then, he's never traveled through the realm of nymphs again. I am always now running away from disgusting men - playing to their desires, never giving into them. I feel alive, full of sexual energy... but I always wonder if I could have been a flower, blooming in the grasp of love. I probably will be one of those elders that also warn about the dangers of love, and eventually give way to the touch of an unworthy man. Until then, I will always dream of my love, and the day he found me.

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