Wasteland Dungeon

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The moonlight shined through the curtains bringing dim light to my room. I laid there staring at the ceiling wide awake. I couldn't shake that guilty feeling that I could have done more in our fight at the water temple. I groaned, rubbing my face in frustration. "Damn you brain, just let me sleep. We have a long day ahead of us."

Sitting up I threw my blankets to the side. "This is useless. My mind won't stop racing." I lit a small flame in my hand as I left my room wandering the halls to the door with the bull skull on it. Not wanting to wake anyone else up I gently entered the room making sure to quietly close the door behind me.

I let my flame go out as I approached his bed trying not to scare him. "Hey Magna?" I said lightly as I sat on the edge of his bed.

"Hmm?" He turned his head to look at me before rolling over. "What's up? Everything ok?" He groggily lifted the blanket putting it over my legs.

"I can't sleep. Mind if we talk?"

"Sure, what's up?" He sat up pushing his disheveled hair out of his face.

"Do you really think we can help him?" I looked towards the window trying not to tear up again.

"We will help him. With the whole squad searching, we are bound to find something to help."

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. "D-Do you t-think he blames me?"

Magna wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his embrace. "Of course not dumbass. He's not that kind of guy." He dryly laughed trying to make me feel better. "Why would you even think that?"

"I could have d-done more.. I could have done b-better. I just panicked." I nuzzled my head into his chest letting my tears flow. "I got healed, but he couldn't. Why was I the one who got healed. He deserved it more than I did."

He held me tighter and ran his fingers through my hair. "If that's your logic then I'd be to blame too. Luck and I gave it our all, but we didn't even scratch the guy."

"No! You guys did everything you could. I just-"

"And that's how he feels about you. After this is all over just ask him. I'll guarantee that's how he feels. Besides, you saved our asses back there. Without you, Luck and I would have been done for."

"I guess you're right." I wiped the tears from my eyes. "I hope we find something out about this curse."

"Me too. We can't go looking tomorrow if we don't get some sleep though." Magna laid back pulling me down with him.

I smiled snuggling into his chest. "You're right. Thanks Magna."

Eventually, all my worries faded away as I drifted to sleep. Much to our dismay it wasn't long before we were woken up by a snickering lightning bug. I grumbled hearing Luck sneak into the room.

"Come on love birds. It's time to go." He whispered leaning over the side of the bed trying to hold in his laughter.

"What's so funny dumbass?" Magna growled sitting up in the bed.

"I guess Vanessa can't call you the virgin delinquent anymore." Luck teased jumping back as Magna readied a fireball.

I grabbed his wrist just before he could throw it. "What the hell are you two thinking? You're gonna ruin the mission if you wake Asta up." I whispered angrily looking between the two.

Magna grumbled dispelling his magic. "Fine. Let's get ready."

I got up and grabbed Lucks arm, dragging him out of the room behind me. After closing the door I turned to the cheery bastard and poked his chest. "Just so you know. Nothing happened last night. The delinquent is still a virgin. Got it?"

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