The Dungeon Part 1

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The last couple days were spent training. Noelle seemed to be improving quite well with her water barrier although still struggling with her offensive moves. Other than that the rest of us worked on sharpening our combat skills against each other.

I woke up a little later than normal from training so hard the past few days. Heading downstairs I heard the usual ruckus from the main hall. I get down there to see Magna sitting on Asta's back eating while Asta did his morning push-ups. Noelle was playing with the bird that's been sticking around Asta and resting in his hair. Vanessa and Luck were just sitting there watching them. I grabbed a vine of grapes from the bowl of fruit on the table before joining the group.

Noelle had her hand out petting the bird that was on Asta's head. "Come on, you can sit on my head too."

Magna and I made eye contact and I gave him a warm smile before popping a grape in my mouth. Yami approached us with a cigarette in between his fingers. "Listen up, we were given a mission to explore a newly discovered dungeon."

Asta and Magna jumped up. "What?! A dungeon?!"

Asta turned looking blankly at Magna. "Wait, what's a dungeon?"

Magna facepalmed. "It's an old place where people in ancient times hid all sorts of magic relics and old information."

Luck chimed in. "Although it's loaded with magic traps so it makes it difficult to get these items. Even the people who put them there didn't go back for them. Doesn't that just make it more exciting!" He hopped around all giddy like a child given candy.

Vanessa put her arm around me. "Because of these traps the kingdom hires us Magic Knights to explore them so these relics don't fall into the wrong hands."

Asta was in complete awe with his jaw dropped. "I wanna go! Let me let me!" He started jumping around in front of Yami.

Yami took a drag of his cigarette blowing smoke into the air. "Well this time the dungeon is near the border of the Diamond Kingdom so we have to be quick. Don't worry, it's all yours kid. The Wizard king requested you specifically for this mission."

Asta jumped back shocked. "What?! The Wizard King himself?!"

Magna patted his back. "Wow good job Asta! When did you meet the Wizard King?!"

"I don't know!" Tears started running down his face as his eyes sparkled. "I humbly accept this mission. When do we get going?"

"Now, You three newbies are going with Luck. Better make it quick." Yami handed Luck a few papers before plopping down on the couch behind him.

"Yeah let's go!" Asta yelled running out the door with Luck jumping behind him giggling.

I looked at Noelle and shrugged as we both headed for the door also. I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me to turn around. Magna smiled while scratching the back of his head. "Hey, you'll do great. Just be careful ok?"

I smiled back. "I'll be fine, there's four of us." I followed Noelle out the door still smiling. When I reached the door I grabbed the handle to close it behind me. "See ya soon!"

A few hours later we finally reached the dungeon. It was a large stone structure covered in moss and vines. The main entrance was a seemingly long stone hallway that lead into pure darkness. Luck just waltzed right in with Noelle and Asta following close behind while arguing about what the bird's name should be. Hearing them bumping into each other as they got farther down the hall I conjured some flames in my hand lighting up the space around us.

In the midst of the bickering Luck chimed in. "Wouldn't Nero be better?" The bird proceeded to fly to his shoulder raising a wing as if to say it agreed.

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