Three More Stars

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The frigid night air blew in from the windows above. I shivered for the first time in ages since I was left manaless. Pulling my knees to my chest, I sat there resting my head on the cold bricks of my cell. For some reason they decided to unbind me. I guess I'm no threat without my magic.

The room was dimly lit by a small candle resting on a table outside of my cell. This felt like prison, not that I know what it's like to be in prison.

Despite how much I tried, I couldn't pull this damn magic collar off. I laid my head in my knees with a sigh. "I feel like a caged animal."

Footsteps were heard approaching the room my cell was in. It was the boss guy and his buddy I managed to land a shot on. Being stuck here I felt it necessary to memorize their ki. The door crept open, but I didn't want to look. I've had enough of these guys. Thankfully, they haven't done anything but throw me in this damn room. I knew they wanted nothing but trouble though. I couldn't show them how nervous I was. I won't let them get too comfortable around me.

"Alright bitch, it's payback time." The lackey growled cracking his knuckles.

I looked up to see the leader unlocking the barred door. "Huh? Oh it's you. Do you have some ball punching kink or something? Sorry to disappoint, but I have a boyfriend." I sighed, laying my head against the wall again.

The boss chuckled, earning a dirty look from his buddy. The door swung open and the man stomped his way over to me. "Being a smart-ass will only get you hurt little girl." He grabbed the collar of my shirt lifting me to his height. I snarled holding his wrist as my legs dangled. His nasty breath reeked of booze and cigarettes. "Don't give me that. If the boss hadn't saved your pretty little face I would have already knocked you down a few notches."

I chuckled showing a cocky smirk. "Seems like your boss values me over you. Damn, that must hurt."

The boss laughed, infuriating him. He kneed me as hard as he could in my stomach making me almost hurl as he dropped me to the ground. "Not so cocky now when you're writhing in pain. Too bad your little boyfriend isn't here to save you." He kicked me over onto my side. I coughed onto the ground beside me seeing specks of blood.

I slowly sat up wiping the blood from my mouth to smile up at him. "Too bad for you." He looked at me in confusion for a moment before sensing the multiple mana signatures nearby. "He's already here."

A portal appeared at the ceiling towards the window. Magna was the first to fall through engulfed in flames. We locked eyes for a moment. His eyes softened upon seeing me before he noticed the blood. The guy turned towards him ready to to attack when Magna grabbed him by his collar, shoving him against the wall. "What the hell did you do to her?" He growled letting his flames begin burning the man's cloak.

The man broke under Magna's pressure and began stammering trying to find any excuse for him to stop the blazing inferno that was his mana.

Luck had come through the portal next going straight for the boss. He dodged Luck's blows the best he could until he was backed against the wall. "Aww... this is no fun."

The most menacing aura entered the room when Yami went though the portal with Finral and Vanessa joining close behind. "Listen up Purple Orca bastards! This warehouse won't be standing by the time we're done here. If you surrender nicely then I won't have to kill you."

Magna ignored the blabbering of the jerk who kicked me and punched him right in his temple knocking him out cold. Dropping him, Magna looked to me kneeling down beside me while stabilizing his flames so he wouldn't burn me. "They didn't hurt you too badly did they?"

Flames Ignite (Magna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now