First Day Training

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The sun shining into the room pulled me out of the best sleep I've had in a long time. I stretched under the soft warm blankets and rubbed my eyes. I completely forgot I was in Magna's room. A small smile spread across my lips as I covered my face with the blanket reminiscing in the memories from last night. It was really nice to go out and do something like that. Back at my village everyone knew me and it made it quite boring. I couldn't exactly do anything like over drink without my parents hearing about it. I slowly sat up and crawled to the bottom of the bed to look over the back of the couch. Magna's hair was a bit ruffled and he had his sunglasses along with his jacket on the coffee table next to him. He was laying on his back with one arm over his eyes with the other resting on his stomach, but he didn't even have a blanket. Why didn't he just ask for one? There are a few on the bed, but I mean I am a blanket hog I guess. He looked so peaceful, I couldn't help but want to mess with him. I reached over and tickled at his hairline making him flinch a bit. When I reached in to do it again he quickly grabbed my wrist with the arm that was over his eyes. "You're not very sneaky." He smiled up at me.

"Good thing I never claimed to be." I said back with a little sass which made us both laugh. "Did you sleep alright? I kinda hogged all the blankets last night."

"Yeah I was fine. Don't worry about it. How'd you sleep?" He sat up stretching then propping his feet up on the coffee table. 

"I slept really well actu-" I was cut off by the sound of Asta yelling down the hallway then bursting through the door.

"Magna! Scarlet's missing!" He was panting like he ran through the entire base.

Noelle ran up behind him popping her head in the door next to him. "We've looked ev-" Her face grew red as she noticed me laying at the bottom of Magna's bed on my stomach next to where Magna sat on the couch. "W- What are you doing here?"

Right as I was about to speak Asta looked at Noelle and laughed. "We were worried something happened. At least you're ok, but you have your own room here ya know. You don't have to share with anyone." He had the most innocent smile which made Noelle even more embarrassed.

Magna clenched his fist. "We know that dumbass. She had a little too much to drink so I made her stay with me." He was trying his best to keep his composure despite them bursting into his room. 

"Y- You did what?" Noelle got even more flustered backing away from the door a bit.

"Not like that! I-" He pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. "I slept on the couch by myself. Got it?"

Asta was looking between them completely lost in the conversation. "Why? That bed is big enough for the both of you. I used to sleep with all the kids at the church every night."

The whole time this was happening I just held my face in my hands trying to hide my embarrassment. While Noelle and Asta kept on their conversation.

"Asta, that's a little different, they're adults." Noelle face palmed.

"What makes that any different? Why is everyone so worked up? Well whatever. You guys coming to train with us today?"

I let out a heavy sigh as I swung my legs around the side of the bed. "Yes Asta, Just let us wake up first ok? We'll meet you downstairs."

Noelle started pulling his arm. "Yeah, lets go."

"Ok! See ya!" Asta closed the door behind him finally leaving us alone again.

"Ughhhh Training this early is such a drag." I groaned throwing myself back down on the bed.

"You're really not a morning person are you?" Magna said getting up to get clothes out of his wardrobe.

"I am, just not with the hyperactive muscle head we live with. Like how can you be so awake this early?"

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