To The Water Temple

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The week flew by faster than expected. Noelle had been working endlessly to improve her magic. Even with Vanessa helping her with her mana control she still seemed to struggle quite a bit. Thankfully, Asta stuck by her side the whole time to ensure she wouldn't hurt herself with her magic.

As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm actually getting more anxious about this whole thing. I haven't even touched the ocean since I've been here. Magna could tell how nervous I was getting so he tried his best to distract me from it. He told Yami that we could take care of the shopping for our meals and such. Of course we had to get a huge list from Charmy which Yami had to narrow down so we wouldn't go bankrupt. Since we didn't have her garden we had to buy more food than usual.

Every morning we got the shopping done so we would relax for a while before training. I grumpily trudged around town listening to some damn nobles gossip about us Black Bulls.

"Just because they're Magic Knights doesn't mean they deserve to be here."

"Yeah this is the noble realm after all."

"Don't talk too loud. Those two look like they'd definitely cause a scene."

"Those damn peasants are living far better than they deserve."

I shot them threatening looks trying to get them to back off. The group of snooty nobles gasped, quickly looking away to continue their insolence. The fact that this was an everyday occurrence didn't exactly surprise me, but it was still annoying. Some shops even gave us a hard time because we didn't look like nobles. Our Magic Knight's status meant nothing.

Despite our shitty mornings we always had a pretty great day ahead of us. I spent some time with Vanessa drinking while lounging at the beach. That is until one of our idiots messed it up. Sometimes it would be our muscle head running a muck making the sister lover mad. Other times we had to stop Charmy from eating something that either wasn't hers or could potentially be dangerous. Finral got threatened by a few lady's boyfriends so we had to step in and calm them down. More times than I'd like to admit I had to stop my flame brained idiot and his electrified sidekick from destroying the beach. There were a few times where Yami had stopped the chaos by threatening to kill whoever started it. While it was funny to watch, someone had to talk him down from it.

After dinner and clean up duty we would all get into our normal gear to start training. By all I mean Magna, Luck and I would fight each other while Noelle practiced her magic with Asta. Even though he wasn't nearly as fast as Luck and I, Magna practiced his flame boosted run. He's not very good at dodging stuff while he's running though. Luck tripped him, making him eat sand a few times. I shouldn't have laughed though because he did the same to me as well. Luck managed to beat us pretty good in our free for all nights. Damn sparky brat.

Our muscles ached after our training sessions so we grabbed some boozes before relaxing in the hot tub. Vanessa would join us some nights if she wasn't passed out drunk inside already. Even Yami joined us one night, but that didn't last very long. He kinda took up half the hot tub. Resting was so much easier after relaxing in the hot tub. I practically fell asleep once my head hit the pillow.

Finally, it was the day we are to travel to this underwater temple. Yami had us stay in our normal gear and just hang around the beach house so we'd be easy to find. We packed up all our belongings preemptively so we could leave right away once we got back. He told us to save our mana as well just in case we needed it in this temple.

We sat around most of the day playing cards to try and kill time. That was until we got into trouble for almost killing each other. Magna had finally won a game after a few hours of playing. Luck reached his hand out to congratulate him but zapped him instead. I went to smack Luck across the back of his head for not listening to Yami but ended up getting zapped too. Magna and I started chasing the lightning bug around the room until Yami burst through the door grabbing Luck by the collar. His menacing aura made all of us shiver. "No magic. I'll kill all three of you." He threatened before throwing Luck at us and retreating back to the restroom.

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