Heading for Home

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I was drawn awake by the sound of the door closing to the room. Rubbing my eyes I sat up seeing the bright orange light from the sunrise. "Why the hell is he up so early." I groaned swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I got up stretching as I looked out the window. Magna was strapping a large trunk onto the back of the Crazy Cyclone. His hair was still messy and he was still only in a tank top and his pants from the night before since he probably was trying to let me sleep.

I made my way up to my room to prepare for my trip. I got into my normal gear since Yami requested I wear it on my time off just in case. I quickly packed my bags making sure to bring my money for my village. I threw the bag over my shoulder then headed downstairs to the main hall.

Yami was the only one down there sitting in the corner reading his paper. I threw my bag onto the table then threw myself down on the couch. "So you're taking the delinquent with you?" Yami piped up from behind his paper.

"Yeah, It'd be nice to have a travel partner, ya know?"

"Just don't destroy any villages along your way."

I giggled at the comment. "Don't worry, I'll keep him in line."

Yami chuckled lowering his paper. "That's what I'm worried about."

Charmy was the first to join me downstairs. Right away she got the sheep cooks making heaps of food for everyone to enjoy. This morning I had fried eggs with a side of rice, bacon and a corn muffin. The others started trickling down as they smelled the food giving us more company.

Luck came downstairs with Magna who was fully dressed and ready with a large bag for our trip. Magna seemed super pumped while talking to Luck. "It was because I did so well that they gave me a star for my efforts! At this rate I'll be the one pulling us bulls out of the dumps!"

"Yeah!" Luck jumped up in excitement. "We need to improve out combined skill, the Zapping Magna Typhoon!"

"There ain't no way in hell I'm letting you do that to me again!"

Asta rushed over with Noelle in toe. "Welcome back Luck, Magna!"

"Hey, I heard about the hell you guys went through in Castle Town, but its my time to shine kid." Magna pointed at himself with his thumb.

Asta giggled like a devious child. "For my outstanding work in the invasion they promoted me to a lower rank, class three knight!"

Magna looked blankly at Luck. "What's a lower rank class three knight?"

"Not a clue" Luck shrugged.

Yami scratched the back of his head in disappointment. "You guys are actual knights and you don't know this?" He took a drag of his cigarette blowing the smoke to the side. "The Magic Knights have a ranking system. Since you guys haven't went up in rank you're both lower rank five knights. Since Asta is higher than you you'll need to treat him with respect. Oh and FYI Charmy is lower class rank one."

Charmy rubbed her head with a huge smile on her face giggling. "On your knees bitches." She started dancing around Manga who collapsed on the floor in disbelief.

Yami watched the scene unfold. "I guess the fact she captured the perpetrator is the reason for her sudden promotion. Although it looked like you were trying to lynch her."

Magna looked up at me while still on the ground. "S- Scarlet don't tell me you ranked up too."

I started laughing as I got up putting my hands on my hips. "Lower rank class three knight. Same as Asta."

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