The Battle Begins

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Two days passed and everyone was gathering at the rendezvous point. We were given magic resistant black clothes made for the cold. The cold part doesn't really matter much to Leona and I so we'll probably ditch the annoying robe fairly fast.

I anxiously swayed on my heels while looking around at all the captains. There were more knights here than I expected. It's kind of amazing that Nacht can teleport all of us to the Spade Kingdom by himself.

I overheard Leon talking to Leona asking if she really thought I was ready for this. Of course she grumbled at him telling him he should trust her judgment providing she's stronger than him.

Nacht arrived before long and everyone started discussing the plan. My anxiety grew hearing that Asta wasn't here with us. What could he be doing at a time like this?

Leona put her hand on my shoulder. "It's not going to be easy fighting these demons."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed. "I don't know what I'll do if I come across Dante."

"You probably won't even face him but if you do, you'll give him one hell of a fight. Remember, you're a Vermillion. We're the toughest there is, Little Ember."

A smile crossed my face. "Yeah, I'll be sure to live up to my name."

"That's the spirit."

The corridor in front of us grew black and Nacht led the way descending into darkness. When we emerged we were in the Spade Kingdom's castle. Each of us ran toward the exit when Nacht yelled for us to follow the plan.

At that moment the ground shook beneath us. Something huge just emerged and it had an unimaginable amount of mana. Of course that's where we came in.

Screams were heard outside by the locals. When Leona and I emerged from the castle there was a colossal demon looming over the city. Without missing a beat we rushed towards the demon. Before it could slam its claw into the ground, Leona boosted herself up, punching it square in the face.

It stumbled back and I followed just behind her with my newly improved flaming manticore armor. I stretched out my scorpion tail and grabbed its arm pulling it back so the citizens below could escape.

I struggled holding it back. With Leona wailing on it, it tried to swing its hand at her to get her away. Her magic doesn't seem to be doing much though.

"Little Ember! Go help the resistance or something! This demon is mine!" Leona growled with her flames surrounding her.

I stared in shock for a moment. Her body looked like it changed into pure fire. I let go of the demon's arm then flew down into the city. I looked back to see the demon fall with explosions of fire.

The resistance was frozen in awe watching her single handedly take down this demon. The moment the demon hit the ground a strange sensation radiated from the castle. Roots began growing out of the castle walls practically taking it over.

"This can't be good." I muttered. Then there was more powerful mana radiating from that direction. The mana in the air shifted as if being pulled in by the roots. "The portal can't be opening already!"

"This mass of magic is nauseating..." The leader of the resistance was sweating from his nerves.

"Devils!" Someone yelled pointing to the castle's gate. Dozens of devils poured out heading straight for the townspeople.

"Quit gawking and help me take out those devils!" I yelled running towards the commotion.

The flames on my back grew, turning into three fiery manticore. They sprinted off in different directions to cover the crowds of civilians. "Try to save the citizens. I'll try to hold off the flying devils!" Springing myself forward I headed straight for the castle.

Dozens, no, hundreds of devils began pouring out of the castle. All sorts of mages threw whatever they had at these devils. Water, ice, rock... Snowmen? Battle mages took the front line while support mages stayed back to help give the others a boost or protect the civilians.

These devils weren't very strong, thankfully. I mowed them down with my flames, impaled them with my tail and used my manticores to get the ones that slipped through. No matter how many we took out, several more took their place.

Looking ahead I noticed Salamander towering over the devils engulfing them in his flames. Leon jumped onto his back as they took off to take out the larger masses. You can tell their bond has only gotten stronger.

I went to fly towards the next devil when I felt my hair start to stand on end. I jumped back to see a streak of lightning decimate the devil before me. A childish chuckle emerged from where the devil once stood. "Come on Scarlet, you have to be faster than that."

A smile crossed my lips. "I don't think I can catch up at this point, Luck."

"Ha ha! Cousin, I see you're holding the Vermillion name strong!" Leopold strolled up behind us. "Your magic looks much more refined. We'll have to spar after we take care of this devil situation!"

I gasped seeing everyone who had been training in the heart kingdom. They all looked and felt much stronger than the last time I saw them. There were also some new faces following close behind. Leon looked back to see our reinforcements. "Good you're here! Let's take these devils out!"

They let their magic flow creating arrays that boosted their power. Their magic danced around their allies and only hit the devils. Most of them died instantly. But there were several that stepped out of the castle wall that looked stronger than the others. "Those low-ranking imbeciles scrambling over each other to get out first..." One of them grumbled.

"What exactly are you frightened of, hmm?" They both began to laugh as their bodies started morphing into more hideous forms. "Let's play catch, you'll be the ball!" They laughed leaving the resistance shaken in their boots.

I looked at Luck and chuckled. "Just like old times?"

He chuckled back. "There's no way you'll kill more than me."

In an Instant Luck was launching himself at the tall devil who was readying an attack. His whole body looked like lightning. The devil's arm got cut clean off.

"Shit.." I mumbled before racing forward as well. "I really can't keep up." My manticore minions dissipated allowing me to focus more on what's ahead.

The freaky little flying devil snickered. "Look at you trying to be brave." It put its arms out creating a cone of wind to push me back. "You can't touch what you can't reach."

While it was busy laughing and making jokes I held my ground in the wind and split my armor into a manticore again. It flew above and crashed down onto the devil making it fall to the ground. I flew over pinning it to the ground under my heel. "Who can't reach you?" When it tried to summon its wind again I used my tail to pierce through its heart.

The female tentacle devil grabbed me, and held me just inches from her face.. "How dare you, insolent creature." My arms were pinned at my side so I couldn't move. Her smile grew wide with her long split tongue brushed over her spikey teeth. "Your mana will taste divine."

When I tried to stab her with my tail she grabbed it with another tentacle. I flared my mana hearing her limbs sizzle, but she barely seemed phased. She opened her mouth over my head and brushed her tongue against my chin. I took a deep breath before breathing fire straight down her throat. She wailed in pain and loosened her grip. I kicked her straight in the chest and used my tail to finish her off.

I went to attack the next one when Luck jumped in, taking its head clean off. When I went to yell I paused. A giant ball of mana was forming above the castle. Everyone froze, devils and humans alike. I winced trying to see what was happening up there.

"It's Asta!" His sword grew like I saw when we fought Dante. It was hard to see what was happening from where we were, but the ball of mana was sliced into pieces. The smaller pieces exploded leaving us to fight the mid level devils once again.

After we took out a few more devils Luck froze right beside me. "Do you feel that?"

"Feel wh.. at?" Luck scooped me up and started running towards the castle. His speed was incredible, even while carrying me. My heart raced not knowing what the hell was going on or where the hell we were going. What is this lunatic thinking?

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