The Crystal Dungeon

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Magna was up before anyone else in the house. He quietly gathered his things then went out for a walk around town. The clouds covered most of the sky leaving few places for the rich orange light to peek through. There were very few people on the streets this early. A couple merchants packing their wagons to head to their next destination along with a few civilians dressed in rags heading towards the mines.

He made his way towards the river when he noticed one of Lydia's butterflies land in his hair. Gently he reached his hand up to let it crawl onto his finger. "You don't have to watch me you know. I'm not actually a thug." Leaning against a tree at the river and sighed. "I was really looking forward to some time off. Looks like trouble has been following me everywhere recently."

The butterfly flapped its wings watching him with its antennae twitching. The breeze picked up making the butterfly take to the sky once again. Magna looked to the slow moving river seeing the clear water ripple as it moved while he was lost in thought. 'Why am I going to such lengths for her? I've never done anything like this for anybody. Not even Luck and I consider the bastard to be my best friend." He heard footsteps approaching from behind him.

"What brought you out here so early this morning?" Lydia leaned against the tree next to him.

"Believe it or not, it's pretty hard to sleep on a wooden floor."

"Why do I feel like that's not the only reason?"

Magna shrugged then scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, you caught me. I guess even someone like me needs time to reflect."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

He let out a low chuckle. "She'll probably kill me if I tell you."

"Well I'll probably kill you if you don't." Lydia taunted making a few of her butterflies swarm around him.

Magna sighed slumping down against the tree. "I just feel so useless. I'm supposed to be senior the newbies took up to. I'm supposed to protect these bastards and I can't. Scarlet saved me from near death and what have I done for her? Taken her to dinner? Pathetic."

"You know she doesn't think of you like that right? She treats you like an equal. She doesn't feel like she has to protect you." She sat in the grass next to him against the tree. "You know, she almost didn't leave the village because she was scared Oliver and I would get hurt hunting. She's the only one that has magic fit to fight in our village."

"I don't think you understand. She almost died because of me. We got lucky. If there hadn't been a healer in the village we were in I don't think she would have made it."

Lydia tensed clenching her dress. "But she saved you right? She didn't save you so you could mope around about it and feel guilty."

There was a moment of silence before Magna responded. "You're right. I want to work harder to protect her and the rest of our squad. Hell the newbie runt does more than me."

She eased her grip letting her expression soften. "You really seem like a decent guy Magna. I was kinda scared for her when she left. I've never left our tiny village or even gave it a second thought. Then to find out she joined the rowdiest squad in the whole kingdom." Gently she hugged him from the side. "Thank you for being there for her. She deserves more than this little village can offer."

He nervously laughed with his face heating up. "It's nothing, really. I just- She's our squad member and I just-"

Lydia started laughing breaking the hug. "You really are a flame brained dork aren't you?" He sat there clearly flustered as she got up. "Well it was nice chatting with you Magna, but I'd better be on my way."

Flames Ignite (Magna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now