Hot Springs

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I'm so glad the Crimson Lions have their own spatial magic user. Leona would have made us walk the entire way to the hot springs for extra training if they hadn't. Well, I don't even know if you could consider this a hot spring. It's more like a blazing hot volcano. 

There we all stood, sweating profusely from the sheer amount of boiling mana surrounding us. The amount of mana radiating from below was overwhelming. I used my mana skin to cool myself down, but focusing on it was nearly impossible. All this white noise in the back of my mind was suffocating.

"Leona.. I thought we were going to the hot springs? I definitely see the hot but there's no way in hell there's a spring here." I panted trying to keep myself cool.

She laughed walking in front of us with her arms crossed. "This is the powerful Magic Zone, Ultime Volcano. Due to the powerful mana embedded deep underground, this volcano is constantly erupting. But.. That makes the summit of this mountain the most marvelous hot spring you've ever seen! It's filled with powerful nourishment! Bet you're all so excited you can't even wait to tackle this beast! Let's head for the top!"

We all stared blankly trying to figure out how the hell she thought we'd be excited. Leo jumped in front of Asta, Yuno and I, looking more pumped than anyone else here. Excluding Leona that is. "How about we have a contest?! Let's see which one of us makes it to the summit first!" Yuno was pulling his cool guy act and pretending he didn't care, but Asta was getting excited.

"Quit dicking around and get your asses in gear!" Leona yelled, kicking Leo and Asta down the small cliff.

I jumped off the cliff behind them barely struggling with the heat as I focused on my mana skin. If Mom wouldn't have taught me this basic skill, I feel like I would have dried up by now. I sighed hearing all these grown men around me cry about the heat. Wouldn't Fuegoleon have taught them how to use mana skin?

Yami and Charlotte ran ahead of us like this was nothing. Their mana skin was so refined that they didn't even have to think about it. A large magma rock came hurtling straight towards Yami. In an instant he sliced through it with his dark magic making it crumble around him.

Turning towards Leona she smiled at them knowing full well that they'd be perfect examples. Especially Charlotte since her magic should be weak in these conditions. "We're allowed to use our magic?! I thought we had to walk?!" I shouted feeling my mana skin falter.

Leona smacked me on the back of the head for my dumbass question. "Why the hell would I bring you to a powerful magic zone and expect you not to use your magic?!"

I went to say something, but I didn't want to get hit again. Without a word I pulled out my grimoire. My mana skin steadied itself a bit more as my fiery claws covered my arms and my wings sprouted from my back. Not wanting to lose sight of the captains ahead I jumped forward using my flames to boost myself.

Leona's grin grew wider seeing the newly realized Vermillion rush ahead. "You've really grown, little ember."

With my speed, I began catching up to the captains. A few large boulders began flying towards me, blocking my view. I slashed through the largest one making it crumble beneath me. A burning pain radiated from my opposite arm. The magma splashed onto my arm up towards my shoulder giving me a decent sized burn. I hissed trying to concentrate on my mana skin once again.

Since I was too busy concentrating, Yami slowed down beside me. For some reason Charlotte followed as well. "You're trying too hard, dumbass."

Wide eyed I looked to Yami confused. "If I don't concentrate then I'll fry here. The mana is clouding my head so much I can barely think." I groaned feeling the intense heat getting to my skin.

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