Don't Underestimate Us

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The wind blew through my hair as I dangled my legs over the edge of the building. The first match is Asta's team versus a bunch of random older looking guys. Honestly, I believe in Asta and Mimosa's abilities, but with that Xerx guy on their team I'm not so sure. He doesn't exactly seem like he wants to protect the kingdom.

I laid my head against Magna's shoulder while watching both teams get in position. "I really hope they win even though that damn Xerx jerk is their teammate." I sighed pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Too bad the two of us can't kick his ass! One of us will have to make it to the finals to beat him!" Luck held a fist up from the other side of Magna. The boy really has no fear for someone without flying magic.

"Hey, don't forget about me! I'm up against them next after we both win our first fight!" Magna yelled jerking me around with his arm around my waist.

"Yeah yeah, we know! We just wanna be the ones to do it. Well, at least I do." I crossed my arms.

"Don't worry, I'll beat that big bad Orca for you, strawberry shortcake." Magna teased patting me on the head.

I grabbed the back of his cloak and gently pushed him forward. "Say it again and you're going skydiving." He made a manly squeak and quickly wrapped his arms around me.

"Round One, Start!" The Wizard King announced from his throne next to the King. I could see the disgust radiating from the king as he glared at Asta's team. I rolled my eyes ignoring his majesty's ignorance. Marx used his magic to display a closer look of each of the teams so we could easily see what was going on.

They seemed to be arguing about something when the first strike hit their crystal. A crack formed making Mimosa jump into action. She wrapped her vines around it and tried to move it quickly but another strike hit it making it crack even more.

The enemy team had made a stone longbow to launch flaming javelins. They used the one guy's crystal magic as a scope to aim across the arena to the opposite crystal. Their teamwork was pretty good compared to Asta's team.

Asta and Mimosa were trying their hardest to keep the crystal safe while that damn Orca jerk slept. "What the hell is that bastard doing?!" I yelled slamming my fist on the cement beside me making it crack.

"Such fowl language." The King scoffed crossing his arms. "That's not very ladylike, don't you agree Julius?" The Wizard King just gave him a polite smile and went back to watching the match.

Ignoring their sleeping partner, Mimosa used her flower creation magic to make a map of the arena. Now knowing where their enemies are located, they had an easier time avoiding incoming attacks. Charging forward, Mimosa carried the crystal while Asta defected incoming attacks.

The enemy team was in plain sight now as they hid behind the ruins of an old building. In the blink of an eye Mimosa created a giant flower and proceeded to shoot a beam towards the enemy crystal. The stone user erected a rock wall successfully blocking the attack. They seemed to have an unspoken plan as two of the team members made a break for it with a sphere of their magic close behind them to confuse Asia and Mimosa.

Asta immediately saw through their plan and turned his attention to the stone user. As the stone user launched his attack, the other two surrounded them and attacked as well. All of a sudden a spell circle appeared below his feet and paralyzed him leaving them defenseless, or so they thought.

Three more spell circles appeared around them and began swallowing the magic. Everyone spectating gasped, not fully knowing what was happening. The spells shot back at their casters knocking them out cold. Xerx wandered over to the crystal as the rocks crumbled away around it. Us spectators couldn't hear what he was saying but I could feel the hostility in his ki.

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