To The Capital

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"You... You filthy humans..." I grimaced keeping my eyes locked on what used to be Lufulu. The boy's smile faded as he quickly looked over to the mangled haired ruffian next to him. I felt my head throb as we made eye contact. A flash of familiarity flooded my mind. "Damn.." I muttered, lowering myself to the ground while clenching my head.

"Scarlet!" The disheveled man yelled, throwing his food to the side while the small girl dove to catch it. I sensed a surge of mana beside me making me jump back. I swung my tail creating a wall of flames in hopes to stop them. My flames died down and became overtaken by the disheveled hooligan's orange flames. He and Lufulu's previous host stepped through the flames while looking towards me in determination.  "I don't know what kind of bullshit magic this is, but we'll get you out of it just like we did Luck." The hooligan spouted.

"Except this time we have half the squad backing us." The supposed Luck agreed.

"This magic brought us back after what you despicable humans did!" I yelled digging the claws of my boots into the ground. "I'll make you pay for killing him a second time..." I boosted myself forward with my flames and aimed right for Lufulu's host.

His smile grew along with his mana as his lightning armor materialized around him. He grabbed my arm before I could react and threw me over his head. I caught myself midair but before I could level myself I saw that hooligan launch himself in the air towards me with the help of that pink haired girl's string magic. I pointed my tail towards him and let out a cone of flames for them to magically get turned into a cloud of smoke. My eyes widened as he grabbed me mid air pulling me into his chest.

"Charmy!" He yelled with a hiss of pain. I tried pushing away but I couldn't break his grip. We landed in the center of a giant sheep's wool belly that instantly began sizzling the moment my armor touched it. The hooligan pushed be back and grabbed my arms holding them above my head. He straddled me using all of his might to stay holding on. The front of his shirt and the sleeves of his jacket were burnt to mere scraps while his skin was lined with burns. It's not that he wasn't using mana skin to protect himself. His mana just seemed far weaker than mine. Who knows how badly he'd be hurt if he didn't protect himself.

My mind was so flooded with emotions I couldn't tell which were mine or this damn human's I've overtaken. Hate, envy, fear, grief, guilt, rage and even sorrow. Why did it hurt me to see this human in such a state. Who is he to her. Is he what I thought Lufulu could have been to me? I stared up at this beaten, tattered man seeing that familiar determined look in his eye. The determination to save the one he cared for most.

He let go of my arms allowing the lightning boy to hold them while a manaless kid ran towards us. "Asta hurry your ass up! Scarlet's one hell of a fighter!" He wiped his brow then hissed pain before looking at his arms. "Damn.."

The manaless boy stood over me and began pulling a sword out of his grimoire. I began to panic and flare my mana in hopes to break free. Vengeance.. I need to avenge Lufulu.. He held the curved tip of the blade to my chest. "I'm sorry.. I don't know what happened to the elves, but I'm truly sorry." He muttered before pressing it into me.

My flames incinerated the sheep we were once on, but quickly faded as my mind began to relax. It was as if all my rage and hate had just melted away. My mind felt clearer as if it was cleansed. It was comforting.

"Thank you.." I muttered as the light around me began to fade. I was never one for confrontation or even fighting. I left that to Lufulu. All I really wanted was to live a peaceful life.

Scarlet's Point of View

All of my senses rushed over me in an instant. I quickly sat up gasping for air after that hellish nightmare. I clenched my shirt where Asta's sword dug into me but felt no wounds or pain. I laid my head in my hands trying to stop the tears. Not just for me but the pain I felt from that elf who inhabited me. I couldn't imagine seeing the one I loved most die trying to save me.

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