The Flames Ignite

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Stepping out onto the porch, the cool ocean breeze blew through my hair making me shiver. The fact I was just in a tank top and shorts wasn't helping, but Yami said we could dress casual until our mission. Using my magic I quickly warmed myself up before walking out onto the beach. The moon was almost full bringing just enough light to see everything around me. In the distance I could see Noelle's Sea Dragon's Nest peering over the rocks. It's good that she's practicing, but in all honesty I'm still a bit worried. Having to go to the bottom of the ocean isn't something I really looked forward to doing.

Magna stepped out onto the porch shortly after me, gently closing the door in hopes that Luck wouldn't notice him leaving. He looked at the small wooden box in his hand before shoving it in his pocket and taking a deep breath. Looking out onto the beach he saw me watching the waves roll by. I felt his ki approaching me. I turned my head feeling my hair tickle my cheeks as the ocean breeze swept by. He wandered over with his hands in his pockets looking out at the ocean. His hair was disheveled and he had his sunglasses hanging on the collar of his tank top.

"The view is amazing out here isn't it." I said turning back to the rolling waves.

"I could think of better things to look at, but this is nice." He reached his hand out to me looking at me with his enchanting blue eyes. The moonlight made his gray hair shimmer as it danced in the wind. "Care to walk with me?"

'Damn he really looks good tonight. His eyes alone are enough to make me melt.'

A smile graced my lips as I wove my fingers into his. "Yeah, I'd like that."

We walked down the beach hearing the noise of Noelle's training become more distant. Despite the two of us acting calm we were both kinda nervous. Neither of us had really been in a relationship before, it just never appealed to us.

Magna managed to swallow his nerves first to speak. "I bet you're nervous about Noelle's magic."

"I mean, she's getting better with her magic everyday, but do you really think she'll be able to take us all the way to the bottom of the ocean?"

"With her determination anything's possible. She's been working hard since she got here."

I looked out at the sea again watching the waves rolling over each other. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm just not a big fan of water I guess."

He laughed making me look up in confusion. "You dove head first into an underground body of water to kill a monster."

"I knew you'd be right behind me to help." I mumbled looking down.

"And I'll be there this time too. Just try not to overthink the whole situation. Finral could get us out if we need it just like he saved the two of us in the dungeon."

"I didn't even think about that. Who knew you'd be so smart, Magna." I bumped into him trying to get a rise out of him.

"Hey! I have my moments!"

I smiled up at him now placing my other hand on our intertwined ones. "Yeah, you can be pretty great sometimes." Looking up I met his gaze seeing his rosy cheeks. "Aww.. Are you getting flustered?"

He quickly looked away trying to hide his embarrassment. "O- Of course not! Real men don't get flustered so easily."

Snickering, I let go of his hand to wrap my arms around his neck holding my body against his. "Well then this shouldn't fluster you either, right?"

He glanced down at me then wrapped his arms around my waist. "Didn't I say teasing a man could get you into trouble?" He asked with a raised brow.

Flames Ignite (Magna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now