Our Vice Captain

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Two hushed voices made me stir awake. I grumbled feeling my aching muscles as I rolled onto my side.

"Scarlet!" Both the voices shouted running over to me.

I raised the blanket above my head groggily. "Vanessa, Grey... why are you in my room?"

Vanessa sat on the side of the bed and leaned in, hugging me. "Scarlet, we're at Owen's clinic. You got badly hurt."

"Hurt?" I sat up to see tears pricking her eyes. "What.. happened?" I pulled the blanket off of me seeing only minor bandaging.

She grabbed my wrist showing me the scar wrapped all the way around my forearm. "Owen reattached it. Do you remember fighting Dante?"

The color drained from my face, remembering the moment my arm got cut off. I felt my stomach twist. "Where's everyone else?"

The two girls' faces grew somber. "Captain Yami and Asta managed to defeat Dante, but his brother came and saved him." Vanessa clenched her skirt and tears streamed from her eyes. "He took Yami."

"How? Yami's one of the strongest people I know." A stray tear rolled down my cheek. "Why did they take him?"

"We don't know."

A healer knocked before entering the room. "I'm really sorry for interrupting. I was sent to tend to the rest of your wounds."

Vanessa stood from beside me. "We should go check on Asta. He got pretty beat up as well. Get some rest ok?" She leaned in for one last hug before her and Grey left.

Getting healed always made me tired and with how much blood I lost it made it even worse. After the healer left I got up and stood by the open window. A light breeze blew through my hair and I took a deep breath. I looked over the moonlit city below and outstretched my arm looking at the scar. I was told the scar was never going to fully go away. A reminder of how stupidly weak I was compared to those devils.

My eyes wandered up to my rose bracelet. Despite my rigorous training and the intense battle, it was still there. My eyes welled up with tears. I know it's selfish but all I want is his comfort. He's out training as hard as he can and all I want is for him to drop everything to come to me. I'm scared and I hate it. "Wherever you are Magna. You better be ok."

"Don't worry your pretty little head. Your delinquent is just fine." Said an unfamiliar voice from behind me.

I flinched, summoning a flame on my hand to see. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm the one who's going to help bring your incompetent captain back."

"I don't know who you think you are buddy, but you better watch your damn mouth. Yami is one of the strongest people I know."

"He couldn't even train his squad to be strong enough to defend themselves. You nearly got crippled."

I summoned my fiery claws and went to swing at the creepy cloaked guy. Mid swing I froze. I couldn't move a muscle no matter how hard I tried.

"Now now, we don't need any more violence." He stepped closer making shivers run down my spine. "We're going to go talk to the lioness. We need to fill her in on what happened."

While he walked I spotted a glimpse of the black Bulls symbol on his grimoire sheath.

"You're a Black Bull?" I muttered letting my flames dissipate.

"Regrettably, yes. I'm your Vice Captain." He released his magic knowing I wouldn't attack again.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been in this squad for a whole year and never heard about you. What even is your name?" I crossed my arms.

Flames Ignite (Magna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now