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Sleeping in an infirmary was harder than I thought. Well, that is if you aren't the two knuckleheads on either side of me. Asta snored from the bed next to mine while sprawled out with his blanket mostly covering the floor. Magna on the other hand was on the opposite side of me sleeping with his pillow over his face. How can they sleep so soundly with the healers coming in and chattering amongst themselves every hour. Not to mention half way through the night I was woken up to be healed again.

I grumbled at the sun shining through the curtains. So much for rest. There was a gentle knock at the door making me grumble even more. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as Owen entered. "Oh good, you're awake. I'm due at the Vermillion estate soon to check up on Fuegoleon. I figured I could escort you since this will be your first time there."

"Thanks, that'd actually be pretty great." I groggily responded.

"Not a problem, meet me downstairs as soon as you're ready."

I hugged my pillow and sighed. "This whole thing still feels like some weird fever dream. Me being a royal just sounds like a joke." I looked over at Magna who was still dead asleep. I moved and sat beside him and in an instant his arms wrapped around me trying to pull me down. "Dammit Magna we gotta get up." I whispered trying to keep myself upright. 

"Just five more minutes." He grumbled from underneath his pillow.

"No, we gotta get ready now. Owen is waiting for us. Don't make me get you up myself."

"Don't threaten me with a good time." He tightened his grip. In retaliation I pushed on his pillow to make it hard for him to breathe until he let go. I stood up and caught the pillow he threw at me. "Dammit woman, don't you know how to be gentle!"

"Gentle with a ruffian like you? Hell no." I laughed, throwing the pillow back.

"You're the one whose dating this ruffian."

"Dating, held hostage. Some would argue the latter." I shrugged, receiving the pillow straight to the face.

Somehow Asta managed to sleep through our bickering as we got ready. We made our way downstairs to meet up with Owen and begin walking towards the estate. I could sense Magna's nervousness beside me. He was a bit nervous when he met my parents, but he's visibly more nervous now. Owen chuckled watching Magna check himself over to make sure he looks decent. "Nervous about meeting the family?"

"Huh? Not at all. No. Just meeting my royal blooded girlfriend's royal family. Ya know, me, just a commoner." He nervously laughed, failing to keep his cool demeanor.

"You're going to be fine. I promise." I grabbed his hands to stop him from messing with his hair.

Owen patted him on the back in reassurance. "While the Silvas are still stuck in the past the Vermillions have adapted and learned more about the world. A lot of Nobles are learning they aren't much different from those who grew up with less."

"Exactly. I can't speak for how they used to be, but they don't care about that stuff now. You already met Leo and that went fine... kinda."

Luckily our conversation managed to ease his worries slightly before reaching the front of the castle. Although, unbeknownst to them, they were being watched. Rose colored hair flowed in the wind from a balcony above as a familiar face peered down at them.

The moment Owen knocked, the doors swung open to reveal a grand staircase in the middle of a large room. Chandeliers hung from the ceilings illuminating the indicate design of the rooms furnishings. A couple of maids greeted us with a low bow. "Pleased to meet you Ms. Scarlet and Sir Magna Swing. May we escort you to the dining hall to meet with the rest of the Vermillions?"

Flames Ignite (Magna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now