One Hell of a Week.

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We parted ways fairly early in the morning. With my duffel bag thrown over my shoulder I waited outside for Finral beside Magna. You could see the anxiety riddling his face from miles away, but it was like he couldn't bring himself to say anything. "I'll miss you too, Magna." I dropped my bag and wrapped my arms around him. "Next time we meet we'll both be stronger though."

He pulled me close resting his chin in my hair. "Just be safe. While I trust Mereoleona to keep you safe, I know how reckless you can be."

"Yeah, I'm the reckless one." I giggled squeezing him a little tighter. "You better do the same though. I told Luck to keep an eye on you."

"Like that means anything." He chuckled. "He might be the one who kills me."

Our conversation was cut short when Finral came outside. "Alright Scarlet, are you ready to go?" His face grew red seeing Magna holding me. "Oh, sorry."

"Oh calm down seaweed, we were just saying our goodbyes." I said, making him nervously chuckle to himself.

Magna kissed the top of my head. "I love you, get strong so we can kick some devil ass."

We shared one final kiss before I grabbed my bag and headed through Finral's portal to my village.

The butterflies in my stomach from seeing Magna wore off pretty fast. The moment I stepped foot in my parents house I was met with a fiery paw lifting me back outside by my head.

"What the hell do you think this is? Do you think my training is going to be some cake walk?" The fiery paw squeezed my head making me whine in pain.

"Leona.. please.." I begged before she threw me to the ground.

"You'll be flying back to your base in a few days. You were supposed to fly here as part of your training."

"Huh?" I looked up at her, shocked. "When did you tell me that?"

"It was implied. You need to teach your body how to use large amounts of mana over a long period of time."

"Implied my ass! It'd take me days to fly here!"

With a look of fury Leona knelt down in front of me. "You're far stronger than you think." She ruffled my hair before looking back to my mother who watched from the doorway. "Where's that pond you were talking about?"

My mother let out an evil chuckle. "I'll take us there, don't worry." She grabbed my bag tossing it to my father. Blue flames sprouted from her back forming wings similar to mine. "Come, your first day of training is going to be single handedly drying up a pond." 


Everyone knew Leona's training was literal hell, but I never expected to be so worn out in just two days.

I floated on my back in the now shallow pond panting like a dog. This lunatic has me actively dry up a pond with little to no breaks. This damn pond could have fit the entire base in it!

I looked around at the crater I've created from all my hard work. There was only a few feet of water left at this point. Well, more like mud.

"Hey!" Leona and my mother peaked over the edge of the pond. "You have a few hours until dinner. You have the rest of the night to relax before flying back to your base in the morning."

Rest? I groaned, pulling myself from the muddy lake. My clothes were caked in mud and sweat meaning I needed a bath, bad.

Since my mother wouldn't let me set foot in the house I trudged my way to the bath house instead. After showering and ringing out my soaked semi clean clothes I finally got to relax in a nice hot bath.

Flames Ignite (Magna x OC)Where stories live. Discover now