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"Serene! Hey, are you up there?" A familiar voice called from below.

I opened my eyes to see the sun shining through the oak leaves above. I sat up from the alcove in the tree to see Lufulu down below. "I told you I was coming here to nap. Where else would I be?"

"I don't know, flying around somewhere with your fancy magic wings." Lufulu gracefully jumped branch to branch to his favorite spot right above mine. "Licht is meeting that human girl again."

"And? My sister said she was pretty nice. Her and her brother want to build better relations and with them being royalty it isn't impossible."

"I guess you're right. Fana is pretty good at judging someone's character, but what if the other humans find out? I heard rumors that they're jealous of our mana." Lufulu sighed. "I guess I'm worrying too much again."

Warmth enveloped my body shifting my thoughts to the reality now in front of me. I looked down at my hands to see unfamiliar, dirty, calloused fingertips. I slowly shifted my gaze towards a strawberry blonde pretty boy and a silver haired girl with pig tails. "You damn humans..." I muttered feeling the heat rise within me.

"Serene!" A semi familiar voice yelled from beside me before pulling me into their embrace. "I missed you so much! I can't believe we're back!"

"Lu..fulu..." My voice wavered as tears welled in my eyes. "They.."

"I know. Just let me take care of this." Lufulu let go and stepped in front of me.

"Scarlet... Luck.. What are you saying.." The silver haired girl took a step back while the pretty boy looked more alert.

Lufulu threw his robe to the side leaving him in a form fitting black bodysuit. "Since you two are mere humans, I guess that means I must eliminate you." He raised his hand and instantly shot a spear of lightning from his palm. The girl's eyes widened as the attack grazed her face, blowing a hole through the wall behind her.

"Noelle!" The pretty boy yelled before opening his grimoire creating a whirlwind of sakura petals to block our vision. "I don't know what has awaken, but they aren't the same people anymore! Prepare for battle!"

I gritted my teeth at the sound of that name. "Lufulu, that's the royal girl our hosts were acquainted with!"

"That's an ever better reason to wipe them off this miserable planet!" He yelled, throwing another lightning spear their way. The force threw the petals out of the way to reveal a large swirling water barrier. The two inside panicked as their barrier was pushed back making them struggle to keep their balance.

The dispersed sakura petals swirled around Lufulu and began to form a clone of that pretty boy. I took a sharp breath as I flared my mana to protect my friend but my head instantly began pounding making me fall to my knees.

How could this beautiful warm summers day turn into something like this? Blinding light rained down upon us impaling those around me. The screams rang through my ears as everyone I've ever known fell beside me. "Serene!" Lufulu yelled running for me. It has to be that damn human. He's the only one with this kind of magic. I tried to flare my mana, but nothing came. Our magic was being blocked. Lufulu pushed me away, taking a blade of light right through his arm. Blood poured from the wound making my heart stop. "We need to get out of here!" He yelled, pushing me along with his other arm.

"Where's Fana.. And.." I cried trying to keep up.

"They're gone, there's no time!" In that moment Lufulu grabbed me, wrapping his arms around me as we fell to the ground. A scolding hot pain ran through my chest as tears hit my face. "I'm sorry.." He cried trying to push himself off of me. "I couldn't.." Drops of blood hit my face before he collapsed on top of me.

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